Scientific Memoirs by

TABLE X.—Results of Application of Heat to the axes of Mimosa pudica

No. of
56 Application as above, midway between inferior and superior leaves. —Slight dis-
colouration; action in four distal leaves; no action below.
57 Application as above, close to the inferior leaf and about 1.5 inches from the next
superior one.
—No exudation; successive centrifugal action in all eight distal
leaves; no action below, although the inferior leaf was readily responsive.
58 Application as in No. 57. —No exudation; action in all seven distal leaves; no
action below; inferior leaf readily responsive.
59 Application as in No. 58. —Centrifugal action of all distal leaves; action in two
leaves below; discolouration; no visible exudation.
60 Application as in No. 59, close to the inferior leaf and about 1 inch from the su-
perior one.
—No discolouration; no exudation; action in four leaves above,
consisting of partial action of the primary pulvini, and slight action of pinnules;
no action below; inferior leaf readily responsive to direct influences.
61 Application as in previous experiments near the inferior and distant from the
superior leaf.
—Action in the inferior leaf, and spreading centrifugal action in
all the distal leaves; discolouration, and visible exudation of a large drop of
62 Application as in No. 61, close to the inferior leaf and about 1.5 inches from the
superior one.
—Discolouration; no exudation; progressive, slow, centrifugal
action in all distal leaves; no action below.
63 Application in No. 62, about 0.75 inches from leaf next below and 4 inches from
leaf next above.
—Discolouration, and slight exudation; centrifugal action in
all eleven distal leaves; no action below.
64 Application as in No. 63, about 0.5 inches from the inferior and 1.75 inches from
the superior leaf.
—Slight discolouration; no visible exudation; action in three
first leaves above; no action below.
65 Application as in No. 64, on a strong, hard axis, close to an inferior leaf and far
from the distal one.
—No visible discolouration or escape of fluid; action in
several leaves above; no action below.
66 Application as in No. 65, about 0.5 inches from next leaf below and 13 inches from
leaf next above.
—At one and a half minutes from the cessation of the appli-
cation the leaf below and the two first leaves above acted; at two minutes the
third leaf above the site of application acted; at 2.25 minutes the fourth and
terminal leaf acted. The axis was a hard and dry one, and the application
caused discolouration, but no exudation.