Scientific Memoirs by

TABLE XI.—Results of section of Tips of Axes in Mimosa pudica

No. of
5 Results as in the previous experiment.
6 No result. The axis was a dry, hard one.
7 Progressive, centrifugal action in nine leaves below.
8 A long pause; action in first leaf below.
9 Progressive, gradual, centripetal action in ten leaves below, i.e., along entire course
of axis traceable.
10 Action in first leaf below; long pause; irregular action along entire course of axis
traceable; some leaves acting, others situated at various points failing to
11 Very long pause; action in first leaf below.
12 Progressive action of five leaves situated at intervals along the axis.
13 Very long pause; action in the first leaf below.
14 Long pause; action in the first leaf below.
15 Successive action in the three upper leaves.
16 Irregular action along the axis as far as traceable.
17 Regular centripetal action along all of the axis traceable, including nine leaves.
18 Irregular action along all of the axis traceable.
20    Ditto    ditto.
21 Very long pause; action in first inferior leaf
22 Very long pause; irregular, centripetal action along the axis.
23 Long pause; action of superior leaf.
24    Ditto    ditto.
25 Long pause; regular centripetal action along the axis.
26 Pause, irregular, centripetal action along the axis.