Medical Officers of the Army of India.


TABLE XI.—Results of section of Tips of Axes in Mimosa pudica

No. of
27 Regular, centripetal action along the axis so far as traceable.
28 Exudation of a large drop of fluid; pause; action in the third, fourth, fifth, and
sixth leaves from the tip; no action in the first and second; no action in the
seventh; action in the eighth; no action in the ninth; action in the tenth.
29 Exudation; pause; action in the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth leaves below;
action in the ninth and tenth leaves; action in the first leaf; no action in the
seventh and eighth leaves.
30 Exudation; pause; action in the second, third, fourth; fifth, sixth; and seventh
leaves below; action in the first leaf; action in other leaves successively along
the axis so far as, traceable.
31 Action in fourth, fifth, and sixth leaves below.
32 Exudation of a very large drop; pause; centripetal action of all leaves successively
along the course of the axis so far as traceable.
33 Exudation of a large drop; successive centripetal action in the primary pulvini
only of eight leaves below.
35 Exudation; pause; action in third, fourth, fifth, and sixth leaves below; action in
first leaf below; action of several leaves successively at wide intervals along
the axis. The primary pulvini alone acted in some leaves, whilst in others
complete action took place.
36 Exudation; pause; action in third, fourth, fifth, seventh, eighth, and ninth leaves;
action in first leaf; long pause; action in second leaf, The primary pulvinus
alone acted in most of the leaves.
37 Exudation; action of first, second, third, fourth, sixth, eighth; and ninth leaves. The
primary pulvinus alone acted in most cases.
38 Action in fourth leaf below;. action in third leaf; progressive centripetal action
along the course of the axis; long pause; action of first leaf.

   A total of 38 cases, demonstrating the possibility of very extensive centri-
petal propagation under certain conditions, and also showing the frequence with
which the phenomena of movement take place irregularly along the axis.