Scientific Memoirs by

     Outea DC. (pro parte ) Prodr. ii. 511 (1825): nec Aubl.

     Jonesia Roxb. (pro parte ) Flor. Ind. ii. 220 (1832); Hassk. Retzia i. 199

     Eperua Blanco, Flor. Filipin. 368 (1,837): nec Aubl.

     Afzelia A. Gray, Bot. U. S. Exped. 467, t. 51 (1854); Bak. Flor. Maurit.
90 (1877); Bak. in Hook. f. Flor. Brit. Ind. ii. 274 (1878); Koord.
et Valet. Bijdr. ii 31 (1895); Prain, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. lxvi. 2.
208 (1897): nec Smith.

     Afzelia § Intsia Benth. in Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Plant. i. 581 (1865).

     Intsia § Euintsia Taub. in Engl. et Prantl, Naturlich. Pflanzenfam. iii.
3. 140 (1891).

   1. INTSIA BIJUGA O. Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. i. 192 (1891). Macrolobium
bijugum Colebr. Trans. Linn. Soc. xii. 359. t. 17 (1817). Intsia madagas-
cariensis DC. Prodr. ii 509 (1826); Bojer, Hort. Maurit. 422 (1837); O.
Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 192 (1891). I. amboinensis DC. Prodr. ii. 509 (1826);
Miq. Flor. Ind. Bat. i. 1. 80 (1855); Miq. Flor. Ind. Bat. Suppl. i. 288 (1860).
Outea bijuga DC. Prodr. ii 511 (1826); Wall. Cat. 5823 (1830). Fonesia
triandra Roxb. Flor. Ind. ii. 220 (1832). F. monopetala Hassk. Retzia i.199
(1856). Eperua decandra Blanco, Flor. Filipin. 368 (1837). Afzelia bijuga
A. Gray, Bot. U. S. Exped. 467. t. 51 (1854); Walp. Ann. iv. 594 (1857); Seem.
Flor. Vit. 69 (1868); Bak. Flor. Maurit. go (1877); Bak. in Hook. f. Flor.
Brit. Ind. ii. 274 (1878); Bail. in Grandidier, Hist. Madagasc. xxviii. t. 27
(1886); Koord. et Valet., Bijdr. ii 31 (1895); Prain, Journ. As. Soc. Beng.lxvi.
2. 208 (1897): non Spreng. A. madagascariensis Baill. Hist. des Plantes ii. 112
(1869). Pahudia Hasskarliana Miq. Flor. Ind. Bat. i. 1081 (1855). P. insignis
Teysm. ex Miq. Flor. Ind. Bat. Suppl. 288 (1860).

    Madagascar; Seychelles; Andamans; Nicobars; Singapore; Sumatra;
Java; Borneo; Celebes; Sunda Islands; Amboina; Ceram; New
Guinea; Philippines; Fiji.

    Blanco describes the Philippine plant as having ten stamens; Baillon
(Hist. Madgasc,) has figured it as having eight. In both cases the vexillary
stamen is represented by a staminode, which is unusual; the writer in examin-
ing several hundreds of flowers has been unable to find it. In Baillon's figure
the pair of staminodes that in normal flowers stand nearest to the claw of the
petal are wanting.

   2. INTSIA RETUSA O. Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. i. 192 (1891). Afzelia
retusa Kurz, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xlii. 2. 73 (1873); Kurz, For. Flor. Brit.
Burm. i. 412 (1877); Bak. in Hook. f. Flor. Brit. Ind, ii. 274 (1878); Prain,
Journ. As, Soc. Beng. lxvi. 2. 207 (1897).