Extra-corporeal and intra-corporeal phases of the benign spring-
Tertian parasite
(Rajahmundri, January 1901).

Fig.1.— Film of blood (C. F. Fearnside) containing young plasmodia, pigmented spheres
and a flagellate (microgamete).

Fig.2. —Taken from same film, shewing, macrogamete and nuclear body, also pigment-
ed spherules.

Fig.3. —Microgamete (flagellate body) and preflagellate sphere.

Exogenous evolution in stomach of anopheles.

Fig.4. — (a ) Conjugation of macrogamete and microgamete, and young impregnated
zygote lying between the epithelial cells of the stomach (anopheles).
(b-c-d-e ) Various stages of growth of the zygote from second to eighth day.
(f ) Ninth or tenth day shewing the zygotoblasts in unburst cyst.

Endogenous evolution in blood of man.

Fig.5. —Cycle in red corpuscle.

(a )Spore free.

(b )Spore in red cell,

(c-d ) Amœboid plasmodium, absorbing hæmoglobin and depositing melanin,

(f ) Striation prior to sporulation.

(g ) Sporocyst containing spores.