On some Practical Methods of Sanitation in India,

with special reference to Cantonments.




       The object of this paper, for the opinions expressed in which (save for the
numerous references to authorities quoted) the writer is alone responsible, is to
attempt a review of practical methods of sanitation now generally in vogue in
India, with special reference to those communities over which we may be said to
exercise more or less complete control, and for which pro tanto our responsibility
is greatest; and to examine the adequacy and scientific sanction of these
methods. In the second place, the biological and chemical forces which are
called into play in the new departure in the methods of sewage " purification "
will be reviewed, in order to elucidate the essential principles that must be observed
in practice. And, lastly, some practical conclusions and suggestions will be offered.

       If any apology be thought necessary for inviting the reader to accompany
me over this well-beaten track, at a time when over forty years have elapsed since
the great teacher and inspirer, Parkes, began his ever-memorable work at Netley,
I venture to invite a consideration of the following facts, and to others that will
appear in the course of the first part of this paper.

Enteric Fever.

       During the past ten years the ravages of enteric fever among the British
troops in this country may be estimated by the following statements:—

I.—Enteric fever, ten years—1890—99.

Number of
Number of
British troops in India, 1890—99 ... 67,897 16,144 4,250 340
(Not including officers.)          

           This excludes cases and deaths which occurred during campaigns beyond the Indian frontier.

II.—Total death-rate, and Enteric death"rate, nine*years, 1890—98.

British Army.     Total death rate,
per mille.
Enteric death-rate,
per mille.
Home Establishment ... ... 4.39 24
Indian Establishment ... ... 15.73 6.38

*Returns, for 1899 of Home Establishment not yet available.