Military Department.
        No. 3754.

Bombay Castle,        
6th September 1876.    

Letter from the Acting Sanitary Commissioner, No. A - 766, dated 24th August 1876.

Forwards a report on the Sanitary condition of the camp at Satara.

*With plan.

RESOLUTION.—A copy of the report*to be forwarded to the Quarter Master
General, the Surgeon General, Indian Medical Department,
and the Surgeon General, British Forces, for any remarks
they may desire to offer.

2. A copy to be also forwarded to the Revenue, General and Public
Works Departments.

J. A. M. MACDONALD, Colonel,
Secretary to Government.        

                                             No. 19-49

Army Head Quarters,    
Poona, 7th November 1876.




                                                               MILITARY DEPARTMENT.


     Referring to Government Resolution, Military Department, No. 3754, dated
6th September last, I have the honor, by direction of His Excellency the Com-
mander-in-Chief, to furnish the following report on the defects noticed by the
Sanitary Commissioner in his report on Satara, dated 24th August 1876.

     Para. 6. Spring near No.
9 Barrack.

     2. The Medical Officer in charge of the European Detachment at Satara
states that there were no fever cases admitted into
hospital from No. 9 Barrack during last rains; and
that the spring alluded to dried up completely a few
days after it ceased raining in the early part of August.

     Para. 7. Disposal of waste
water from cook-room, &c.

     3. The Officer Commanding at Satara has ordered a tree to be planted to
absorb the waste water from the ablution and cook-
rooms; and arrangements were made early in the mon-
soon to prevent the indrift of rain through the venti-

     Para. 8. Filth Tubs.

     4. The spare filth tubs have been removed.

     Para. 9. Leakage in the
married-men's quarters.

     5. The tiles of the married-men's quarters were
turned, and the roof put in thorough good order im-
mediately after the Sanitary Commissioner's inspection.

     Para. 10. Swampy ground
below the Barracks.

     6. The Executive Engineer has been requested
to arrange for the drainage of the ground referred to.

     B 221—1A