Military Department.
     No. 3762.

Bombay Castle,                                            
6th September 1876.                                          

      Letter from the Acting Sanitary Commissioner, No. A.—802, dated 29th August 1876.

      Forwards a report on the sanitary condition of the cantonment of Kolhápur.

      RESOLUTION.—A copy of the report to be forwarded to the Quarter Master-
General and the Surgeon General, Indian Medical Department, for any remarks
they may desire to offer.

      2. A copy to be also forwarded to the General and Public Works Depart-

J. A. M. MACDONALD, Colonel,                                                   
Secretary to Government.                                                        

Military Department.
      No. 4457.

Bombay Castle,                                                 
23rd October 1876.                                              

      Letter from the Surgeon General, Indian Medical Department, No. 3760, dated 13th Septem-
ber 1876.

      Referring to Government Resolution No. 3762, dated 6th ultimo, forwarding a report on the
sanitary condition of the cantonment of Kolhápur, states that he has no remarks to offer thereon.

      Letter from the Quarter Master General of the Army, No. 19—48—4223, dated 11th October

      Referring to Government Resolution No. 3762, dated 6th ultimo, submits remarks in connection
with the report by the Sanitary Commissioner on the cantonment of Kolhápur.

      RESOLUTION.—A. copy to be forwarded to the Sanitary Commissioner.

      2. The subjects treated of in paras. 6 and 14 of the Sanitary Commis-
sioner's report should not be lost sight of.

J. A. M. MACDONALD, Colonel,                                                      
Secretary to Government.                                                             


                                                                                                                                                                                      Army Head Quarters,
11th October 1876.





                                                   MILITARY DEPARTMENT.


      Referring to the Sanitary Commissioner's Report on Kolhápur, a copy of
which was received under Government Resolution, Military Department,
No. 3762, dated 6th ultimo, I am desired by His Excellency the Commander-in-
Chief to report with regard to paragraph 6 of the above, that the huts of the
hospital subordinates might, with advantage, be improved; but, taking into con-
sideration the very stringent orders on the subject of expenditure, the work is
not deemed of sufficient importance to warrant the submission of an estimate for
carrying it out.

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