14. The beef slaughter house is on the south east of camp near the Tent
Lascar lines and over a nullah and close to where the dhobies wash. The
arrangements are not good, and the remarks which I shall presently make regard-
ing the Commissariat slaughter houses which are contiguous to those for the
bazar apply equally to the latter. About 8 head of cattle and about 20 sheep
are killed daily for the use of Officers and the Sudder bazar. I would particularly
notice that the well in front of the slaughter houses requires to be covered as
the water is fouled with all kinds of impurities, and it is said to be drawn for
the use of Officers.

       15. I am indebted to Colonel Mason for the following return of shops:—

Oil shop
pot shop
Country liquor
7 16 7 4 8 26 12 40 5

There is a distillery in the bazar where country liquor is made, and the liquor
contract was sold last year for Rs. 55,000.

       16.   Although as before stated the surface of the roads is kept clean, the
inside of compounds is apparently never touched and heaps of cutchra were
found lying about in them which requires removal. It is easy to conceive how
large the amount must be when the litter from the number of animals kept inside
the bazar is taken into consideration and besides this the household refuse which
must be produced daily must also be considerable.

       17. The bazar is divided into four sections, and there is only one cart and
one road sweeper attached to each. The strength of the bazar conservancy esta-
blishment consists therefore of

                               4 Carts,

                               4 Sweepers for removal of surface refuse,

                               4 Halalcores,

                               2 pairs of bullocks for the removal of nightsoil

from the two public latrines. Besides the above there is one hand-bhistee em-
ployed in watering the roads. This establishment works under the orders of a
sergeant who however has also to superintend the conservancy of the Officers'
lines and the Fort which is about a mile in the other direction.

       18. The nightsoil cart is an open cart the tail board of which does not
fit tight. It is taken to the manure yard which is situated about a mile and
a half along the Khanapur road, but which as it runs in a south westerly direc-
tion is not more than half a mile to the south of the Native Infantry lines. I
happened to pass one of these carts going to the depôt, and saw nightsoil drop-
ping out along the road, although the chinks in the wooden cart were stopped
up with earth. I also saw it emptied into a pit at the depôt, and the operation
was not a pleasing sight. Straw and hay had been mixed with the nightsoil in
order to consolidate it, but as soon as the tail board was removed and it consisted
of three pieces of wood and iron, the watery part escaped at once and the
remainder had to be scraped out with a piece of bamboo stick. The Khanapur
depôt is enclosed with prickly pear and is within a few yards of the public road
which I am informed during certain seasons of the year is rendered almost