Military Department.

Bombay Castle,                                                                 
25th November 1876.                                                              

      Letter from the Sanitary Commissioner, No. A.-934, dated 19th October 1876.

      Submits a report on the sanitary condition of the cantonment of Belgaum, with a copy of the
Resolutions adopted by the Cantonment Committee on his proposals. Observes that it would have been
an assistance to him if the Cantonment Committee had taken up each recommendation seriatim, and
had stated what measures could or would be taken by it in each instance to remedy the specific cause
of complaint.

      RESOLUTION.—The subject of paragraphs 7 and 8 of the report demand the
immediate attention of the local authorities, and a report as to the measures
proposed to be adopted for remedying the existing grossly defective arrange-
ments, and for adopting the suggestion given in paragraph 10, should be submit-
ted for the information of Government.

      2. What is brought to notice in paragraph 12 could apparently be rectified
by somewhat stricter supervision than is at present exercised.

      3. For the unsatisfactory state of the compounds as remarked on in paragraph
16, the Brigade authorities would appear responsible. Orders should be issued
for ensuring thorough cleanliness throughout all the compounds in the station.

      4. The subject of paragraph 18 should receive immediate attention. It is far
more important that the Cantonment should be furnished with the most suitable
filth cart (similar to that used in the City of Bombay) than that its gardens, roads,
or places of public resort should be improved or beautified. The cost of provid-
ing means for carrying out thoroughly conservancy arrangements should be
treated as the very first and most important charge the cantonment funds should

      5. Want of knowledge of an organised system and of strict supervision
are apparent from what is stated in paragraph 19.

      6. All that is stated in paragraphs 20, 21, 22 and 23 deserve early attention.

      7. As regards the suggestion conveyed in paragraph 26, it appears to His
Excellency in Council absolutely necessary that skilled inspectors should be
employed to aid in carrying out the sanitation of the several cantonments on a
uniform system, but until it is ascertained what the cost of such agency
would be, the issue of further orders on the subject will be deferred. The
Quarter Master General should address the Sanitary Commissioner on this

      8. A copy of paragraphs 27 and 56 should be sent to the Commissary General.

      9. A copy of paragraph 28 should be sent to the Archdeacon.

      10. What is stated in paragraph 30 deserves attention. The plea for evading
registration, viz ., that the prostitute claims to be kept by a particular soldier,
should not be admitted.

      11. Early attention should be called to what is stated in the latter part
of paragraph 32.

      12. All that is stated in paragraph 35 should meet with immediate attention.

      13. Judging from what is stated in paragraphs 39 to 41 inclusive, there ap-
pears to be much room for improvement in matters immediately connected with
the health of the men occupying the artillery barracks. How such patent defects

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