according to Government Resolution, Military Department, No. 5151, dated
25th November 1876, I have the honor to state that the Chaplain of the Canton-
ment of Belgaum reports to me—

      I.—That the old European cemetery under his charge is occasionally used
for interments according to the sanction given in Government Order
No. 284 (21st October 1875), and within the limits there assigned;

      II.—That this cemetery is at all times kept free from rank vegetation in
both the Protestant and Roman Catholic allotments; and

      III.—That the cemetery for native Roman Catholics, of the state and use of
which complaint is made by the Sanitary Commissioner, has never
been placed under the charge of the Cantonment Chaplain.

I have, &c.,                                                                
(Signed)     S. STEAD,                                                  
Acting Archdeacon and Commissary.                                              

No. 518.

GENERAL DEPARTMENT.                                                                                     

Bombay Castle, 15th February 1877.

Resolution of Government in the Military Department, No. 5570, dated 16th December
1876—Forwarding copy of a latter (No. 284, dated 8th idem) from the Archdeacon of
Bombay, who states, with reference to paragraph 28 of a report by the Sanitary Com-
missioner of his inspection in August 1876 of the Cantonment of Belgaum, that the
Chaplain of the Cantonment of the Belgaum reports as follows:—

      III.—That the cemetery for Native Roman Catholics, of the state and use of
which complaint is made by the Sanitary Commissioner, has never been placed under
the charge of the Cantonment Chaplain.

Report from the District Magistrate of Belgaum, No. 404, dated 3rd February 1877.

      RESOLUTION.—Government are of opinion that the grave-yard for Native
Roman Catholics should be closed as soon as possible, and a fresh site selected
outside camp limits, as recommended by the Sanitary Commissioner.

                                                                                          E. W. RAVENSCROFT,

                                                                                    Chief Secretary to Government.

Military Department.
      No. 2892.

Bombay Castle,                                                           
5th July 1877.                                                           

      Letter from the Quarter Master General of the Army, No. 19-55―2506, dated 26th June 1877.

      Reports the action taken to remove the causes of the complaints made in the Sanitary
Commissioner's report on the Cantonment of Belgaum, forwarded with Government Reso-
lution No. 5151, dated 25th November last. States that an increased conservancy establish-
ment for the latrines and bazar has been asked for by the Cantonment Magistrate, and ob-
serves that estimates for carrying out certain miscellaneous improvements will be called for-
so soon as the Public Works Department is relieved from its present pressure of work in
connection with the famine relief works.

      RESOLUTION.—A copy of this letter to be forwarded to the Sanitary Com-
missioner, with reference to Government Resolution No. 5151, dated 25th
November 1876.

J. A. M. MACDONALD, Colonel,                                                                      
Secretary to Government.