in each of the two barrack rooms referred to by the Sanitary Commissioner in
excess of the regulation number. There are, besides, other buildings occupied
by the detachment in the Fort which the Sanitary Commissioner does not appear
to have taken into account when comparing the amount of accommodation with
the strength of the detachment. The General Officer Commanding Belgaum has
been instructed to reduce the men in the barrack rooms to the regulation number.

Location of Medical Officer
in Fort.

      8. With regard to the Sanitary Commissioner's remark (paragraph 66)
touching the necessity for a Medical Officer being station-
ed in the Fort, the General Officer Commanding Belgum
District reports that both the Commanding Officer and the
Medical Officer of the 7th Fusiliers, on arrival of the Regiment at Belgaum, were
of opinion that it was unnecessary to keep even an Assistant Apothecary in the
Fort, because, when a man is taken sick there is no difficulty in having him at
once removed to the Regimental Hospital in Camp. The "large European
population in the Fort" is in medical charge of the Civil and Staff Surgeon, who
resides near enough to meet all emergencies.

Miscellaneous Improvements.

      9. Estimates for carrying out the numerous improvements noticed in
paragraphs 11, 14, 23, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 49, 51, 52, 53,
54, 55, 67, 68 and 69, will be called for so soon as the
Public Works Department is relieved from its present pressure of work in con-
nection with the famine relief works.

Skilled Inspectors.

      10. The Sanitary Commissioner has been addressed on the subject of
employing skilled Inspectors in carrying out the sani-
tation of the several cantonments, as ordered in para-
graph 7 of Government Resolution, Military Department, No. 5151, dated 25th
November 1876.

I have the honor to be, &c.,                                                        

(Sd.) ROBERT BAIGRIE, Colonel,                                               

Officiating Quarter Master General.                                           

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