Military Department.

Bombay Castle,     
22nd November 1876.

      Letter from the Sanitary Commissioner, No. A.-991, dated 7th November 1876.

      Forwards a report on the sanitary condition of the new Cantonment of Dharwar. States
that he forwarded it to the Officer Commanding the station for any remarks the Cantonment
Committee might have to make, but that it was returned to him without reply.

      RESOLUTION.—A copy of the report to be forwarded to the Quarter Master
General and the Surgeon General, Indian Medical Department, for any remarks
they may desire to offer.

      2. A copy to be also forwarded to the General and Public Works Depart-

J. A. M. MACDONALD, Colonel,          
Secretary to Government.

Military Department.
        No. 155.

Bombay Castle,   
16th January 1877.

      Letter from the Surgeon General, Indian Medical Department, No. 38, dated 9th
January 1877.

      With reference to Government Resolution No. 5054, dated 22nd November last
forwards remarks on the sanitary condition of the Cantonment of Dharwar by Surgeon-Major
Ogilvie, in medical charge H. M.'s 12th Regiment N. I., and states that he has no remarks
to make.

      RESOLUTION.—A copy of the report to be sent to the Sanitary Commis-
sioner, with reference to Government Resolution No. 5054, dated 22nd Novem-
ber last, and to the Public Works Department, with reference to para. 10 of the

      2. A copy to be also sent to the General Department.

J. A. M. MACDONALD, Colonel,       
Secretary to Governmen

No. 76 OF 1876.


                                                H. M's 12TH REGIMENT N. I.,


                                     INDIAN MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, P. D. A.
                                                                                                Dharwar, 13th December 1876.


      In reply to your memorandum No. 3567, dated 30th November, calling upon
me for any remarks I may have to make upon the report on the sanitary condition

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