25. I must also notice that the burial grounds for all castes and creeds of
persons living in the Cantonment have been allowed to be established over the
bank of the nullah immediately below and adjacent to the English burial ground.
I consider the site is an improper one, as in the first place there is not sufficient
soil for each grave to be dug for a depth of 6 feet and in the next it is to wind-
ward of camp, and there is plenty of space available on the South-east beyond
the Tower of Silence on the watershed of a nullah running towards Hoolgee.
This spot would be most convenient for the sepoys, but it is at present not within
Cantonment limits, but application should in my opinion be made that a sufficient
area of ground be given up for this purpose.

        26. All the bungalows in Sholapur are covered with thatch, and I am
informed that this material if well laid in the first instance will last for 20 years.
I am of opinion that this covering for roofs is prejudicial to health, as it admits
of no perflation, and is besides liable to catch fire readily and it must be con-
tinually undergoing decomposition. It would therefore be desirable whenever
opportunity offers to compel house owners to roof their houses with double tiles
leaving ventilating openings in the roofs. The windows also of many of the
bungalows I saw were, in my opinion, too small and the atmosphere in some of
the houses appeared to me to be close whilst the plinths did not seem to be
sufficiently high. It would be desirable if a standard bungalow for Officers
adapted to modern ideas could be devised which whenever the Cantonment
Committee had occasion to condemn an existing house should be erected in its
stead. Some such action I think is necessary for, as far as I see, the Officers of
regiments upcountry are completely at the mercy of house owners and are
compelled in some stations I have visited to live in houses which are not fit for
human occupation.

        27. In concluding this report, I would desire to express my best acknow-
ledgements to Colonel Price, Captain Trench, and especially to Major Mathew,
R. E., for the aid and information they so kindly afforded me.

Acting Sanitary Commissioner.

      Sanitary Commissioner's Office,
Camp, Poona, 12th October 1876.

STATEMENT of INCOME and EXPENDITURE of Cantonment Fund since
1st April 1872.

Camp, Sholapur, 25th September 1876.

Receipts. Amounts. Expenditure. Amounts.
  Rs. a. p.   Rs. a. p.
In 1871-72 No record. In 1871-72 No record.
In 1872-73 575 0 0 In 1872-73 604 0 0
In 1873-74 3,277 9 5 In 1873-74 2,955 13 8
In 1874-75 913 12 4 In 1874-75 1,033 1 11
In 1875-76 1,160 8 0 In 1875-76 975 2 3
    Balance on 1st April 1876 13,294 13 8

(Signed) R. TRENCH, Captain,
Staff Officer, Sholapur.