tary Authorities it was handed back to the latter. The Moti Bagh being a
place of recreation and cool shade, the Committee are of opinion that any
attempt to interfere with it is very undesirable and that it should not be touched.

     As there are already two wells between the Lily Tank and the Bijapur
road, another well is not necessary, but those mentioned will both be covered and
repaved, also supplied with buckets. When this work is completed, all access to
the Lily Tank will be stopped. A stone trough for watering cattle will also be
provided near one of the wells.

     With reference to the dhobies washing, the Committee do not know of any
other place to which they could resort which would not be fully as much if not
more objectionable than the present situation. The nullah in which they wash
not being (as supposed by the Sanitary Commissioner) to windward of camp
except during the monsoon.

     The latter remark applies also to the burial grounds. The question of the
burial grounds will be considered by the Committee.

     The Committee agree with the suggestion of the Sanitary Commissioner
regarding the bungalows in camp, and have resolved that whenever new bunga-
lows are to be built, plans and estimates are to be laid before them for approval
before sanction is given for the erection of the building. In conclusion the
Committee in acknowledging the valuable suggestions of the Sanitary Commis-
sioner beg to observe that the proposals will be carried out as opportunity offers.

(Signed) G. U. PRICE, Colonel,
           President, Cantonment Committee.

November 1st,

[True extracts.]         
R. S. A. TRENCH, Captain,
          Staff Officer, Sholapur, and
Secretary, Cantonment Committee.