3. Manick Nullah near of the South end of West street. 4 Carts.

        4. Manick Nullah near Dhore Warra........................... 6    „

      61. It is absurd to think the bunghies will carry the night-soil for the dis-
tance they are now supposed to do, for there is plenty of evidence to show that
the solid matter even is not removed, and I am certain if the privies were pro-
cleaned, there would be plenty of work for 14 night-soil carts, some of which
might be employed in going up the lanes to remove the cesspool water.

      62. The night-soil now is carted to the manure yard beyond Cantonment on
the north of the Sholápur road, where it is massed in deep trenches, which is a most
unscientific way of dealing with it. A field should be selected at a distance from
any well or drinking water supply and a trench 2 feet broad by a foot deep
should be dug along its entire length, and alongside the trench another should
be excavated of similar dimensions. The night-soil carts should be driven over
the trench, and the night-soil should be allowed to run out for a depth of about 3"
but less than 6 inches, this should be immediately covered with earth excavated
from the trench and when the field is completely manured, in this way it should
be ploughed up crosswise when it will be found ready for cultivation.

      63. The Sub-Inspectors, and, if possible, the European Superintendent
should be obtained from the Public Health Department of the Municipality of
Bombay, as there systematic cleaning is taught thoroughly; and the art of clean-
ing a town, like any other art, requires an apprenticeship and natives unless
taught what to observe, do not remark infringements against the sanitary
clauses of the Act which would immediately strike a man who has been taught
the rudiments of practical sanitation.

      64. Having stated the measures which are in my opinion absolutely
essential for the preservation of health and the prevention of disease and which
I consider should first of all engage the attention of the authorities, the next
great question is the erection of proper buildings on proper sites for the preser-
vation of the purity of the food supplied to the people. The most perverted
ingenuity could hardly have devised more filthy or more disgusting arrange-
ments for the sale of meat and vegetables than at present obtain in the Sudder
Bazar of Poona. This subject is no new one. It has attracted the attention of,
and has called forth the most urgent remonstrances from, the Cantonment Com-
mittee and their President Lord Mark Kerr.

      65. In my opinion the slaughter houses for the bazar should be removed
entirely away from their present site, where they are in the midst of the foulest
impurities and are themselves a source of constant annoyance to the occupants
of the Commissariat lines. There is no proper site on the north-west or west,
and the only place in my opinion where they should be erected is near the pre-
sent Commissariat slaughter houses, from which the meat might be brought in
by a tramway. This plan was, I believe suggested, and it should in my opinion
be carried out, but until proper wagons could be built for the conveyance of the
meat, arrangements could be made to bring it in by properly constructed and
ventilated carts. If this cannot be done, and no other safe site within Canton-
ment limits can be chosen, perhaps arrangements might be made with the
railway to bring in the meat by train from slaughter houses erected somewhere
along the line as is done in Bombay.

      66. Simultaneously with the building of the slaughter houses the erection
of proper markets on an entirely new site should be commenced. This proposal
has often before been recommended and most strongly by Lord Mark Kerr.
The buildings in the bazar from which, except the troops supplied by the Com-
missariat, all European as well as Native residents in Poona are obliged to get