EXTRACT para. 7 of the Report of the Cantonment Committee, dated 1st

      "The Sanitary Commissioner's Report on the Sudder Bazar having been
referred to a Sub-Committee, the Sub-Committee have submitted a report
now before the Committee. The Committee concur with the views taken by
the Sub-Committee in their report and are of opinion that their suggestions
may be adopted, as far as practicable. With regard to the registration of houses,
the Cantonment Magistrate reports that Registers of Houses are kept up in his
office, but it is necessary that Government should lay down certain rules, as
provided for under Section XI. of Bombay Act III. of 1867, Clauses 1 to 3."

                                                                     (True Extract.)

                                                                 B. H. POTTINGER, Major,
                                                              Assistant Quarter Master General,
                                                                                          Poona Division.

EXTRACT Para. 9 of the Report of the Cantonment Committee, dated 1st

      "Quarter Master General's letter No. 10-129—4785 of the 13th ultimo,
requesting that early steps may be taken to furnish an estimate of the number
of latrines as are most urgently required is before the Committee. The Com-
mittee have also before them the plans of latrines forwarded by the Quarter
Master General which were carried out by Mr. Crawford in the Concan and are
now recommended for adoption by the Sanitary Commissioner. The latrine
accommodation previously recommended by the Committee to provide for the
bazar requirements was ten blocks of thirty (30) seats each which, at the
estimated rate furnished by Dr. Hewlett, would amount to rupees thirty
thousand (30,000); and considering that these latrines have still not been tested
on a large scale, the Committee are unwilling to recommend so large an expen-
diture. At the same time as latrines are urgently wanted for the bazar, it
would be advisable to at once carry out the Jubulpore system, which according
to the estimates previously submitted, provides similar extent of latrine accom-
modation at a cost of eight thousand rupees."

                                                                     (True Extract.)

                                                                 B. H. POTTINGER, Major,
                                                              Assistant Quater Master General,
                                                                                          Poona Division.

      In considering the very able and exhaustive report of the Acting Sani-
tary Commissioner, the first thing that strikes the imagination is the enormous
disproportion between the magnitude of the evil complained of and the very in-
adequate means of mitigation or removal possessed by the body vested with the
sanitary control of this Cantonment. Dr. Hewlett's suggestions and recommen-
dations are on so gigantic a scale, and involve such an enormous expenditure of
capital, that until it be ascertained through Government, that money to meet
these requirements will be forthcoming either from the abkari revenue or other
means, it would be useless for the Sub-Committee to recommend. Dr. Hewlett's
suggestions being carried out in their entirety.