TABLE of Admissions and Deaths by each Class of Disease in the 2/7th Fusiliers
quartered in Ghorpurie Barracks (Poona) during the Year

Average Strength during year, 574.00.

Class. Order. Description. No. of Ad-
No. of
I. A. General Diseases 846 1 2 enteric fever, 156 febricula, 604
ague 84 remit. fever.
B   96 1 8 acute rheum., 24 chronic rheum.,
49 primary syphilis, 2 secondary
syphilis, 5 phthisis pulmonalis,
1 hæmoptysis, 7 lumbago.
II. I. Diseases of Nervous System. 2 ... 1 epilepsy, 1 neuralgia.
II. Eye 16 ... 2 lachrymal obstruction, 3 iritis,
6 conjunctivitis, 1 traumatic
iritis, 2 keratitis, 2 hordeolum.
III. Ear 3 ... I inflam. of memb. tym., 1 deaf-
ness, 1 inflam. of external meatus.
IV. Nose 1 ... 1 polypus.
V. Circulatory 4 ... 2 palpitation, 2 varicose veins.
VI. Absorbent 32 ... Inflam of ing. glands.
VIII. Respiratory 65 ... 2 laryngeal catarrh, 1 bronc.
catarrh, 53 bronchitis, 4 pneu-
monia, 1 pleurisy, 4 asthma.
I.X. Digestive 241 5 61 dyspepsia, 13 dysentery, 93
diarrhœa, 2 jaundice, 13 colic, 3
tænia solium, 2 condyloma,.
2 fistulæ in an., 6 hæmorrhoids,
.1 hernia, 14 hepatitis, 5 gum-
boil, 1 abscess of tongue.
X. Urinary 6 ... 53 gonorrhœa, 1 incontinence of
urine, 1 stricture spasmodic,
3 epididymitis gon., 4 cystitis.
XI. Generative 4 ... Orchitis.
XII. Locomotion 3 ... 1 periostitis, 2 acute synovitis.
XIII. Cellular Tissue 7 ... 2 inf. of cell. tissue, 5 abscess.
XIV. Cutaneous 33 ... 2 eczema, 19 ulcer, 10 boil,
1 guineaworm, 1 ingrown nail.
III. I. General Debility 9 ...  
1V. I. Delirium Tremens 1 ...  
V. II. Accidental 74 ... 1 burns and scalds, 26 contusions
1 fracture, 14 wounds, 1 wound
(gunshot), 29 sprain, 2 blisters
of feet.
VI. I. No appreciable disease 3 ...  
    Total 1,502 7  

  This table shows the admissions into hospital only. In addition to these there were always a
large number of weakly men assent at the hill sanitarium of Purandhar and Khandála, and a
large number of men attending at hospital daily to receive quinine. From the records of the
hospital the daily average of men non-effective through sickness during the year is as follows:—

Average Strength at Poona, 574.00.

    Per cent.
Average daily sick in hospital 46.23 8.05
Average daily weakly men attending for quinine or absent at hill sanitarium. 84.64 14.74
Average daily total non-effective through sickness 130.87 22.79

The greatest amount of this sickness was produced by malarious fever.


B. GIRAUD, M.D., Surgeon-Major,

In medical charge 2/7th Fusiliers.