authorities preferred trusting to "nuseeb" rather than drawing their purse-
strings. Mr. Robertson's influence, however, induced them to change their

     33. I have not been unmindful of the safety of the troops or the inmates
of the jail, and I am happy to state that not a single case has occurred among

     34. I regret that I have not had the time to elaborate this report as I could
have wished; but, when it is considered that I have the charge of four hospitals
and a dispensary, besides my work in the town, I trust it may be sufficient
excuse for the hurried manner in which this report has been put together.

I have the honour to be,


Your most obedient Servant,

      (Signed) A. N, HOJEL, Surgeon-Major,
Acting Civil Surgeon, Tanna.

(True Copy)


Acting Sanitary Commissioner.

B 221—40