No. 3208.


Bombay Castle, 13th October 1876.

Letter from the Sanitary Commissioner, No. A.-775, dated 28th August 1876—Forwarding,
      for information, a report on the sanitary condition of the town of Kolhápur.

      RESOLUTION.—Mr. Hewlett has submitted a very interesting and practical
report on the sanitary condition of Kolhápur, which may be printed as one of
the series which are now being compiled.

      2. It is gratifying to learn that the water-supply of Kolhápur is so good,
and that the Municipality have done such good work in surface-cleansing, in
lighting, and in erecting public buildings. Much, however, remains to be done,
such as the removal of rubbish from private compounds, the excavation and utiliza-
tion of the old drains mentioned in paragraph 20, the cleansing and filling up of
the Kapila Tirtha Tank, the cleansing and fresh supply of water to the Mahars'
Tank, as mentioned in paragraph 21, the drainage of the fields below the
Rankála Tank, the establishment of a regular mutton market, and so forth.
These are matters rather for the consideration of Political Department though,
to which the report may accordingly be transferred.

F. S. CHAPMAN,       

Chief Secretary to Government.