the comparatively heavy rainfall which usually takes place in April and May the
hot weather is neither prolonged nor excessive:—

Months. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1845.
Temperature. Temperature. Temperature. Temperature. Temperature.
Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Maximum. Minimum. Mean.
January... 85 67 58 83 72 60 82 72 61 80 70 58 82 71 59
February... 89 73 58 91 75 69 84 74 62 87 75 60 88 74 61
March... 97 79 62 94 82 64 95 84 64 95 83 68 94 84 69
April... 95 84 70 97 85 70 96 85 73 96 84 69 97 84 70
May... 96 85 73 97 86 72 92 85 71 90 84 70 96 84 71
June... 90 84 70 88 80 69 88 76 71 84 75 90 84 78 71
July... 80 76 70 75 72 69 75 73 70 78 74 69 80 75 70
August... 77 73 68 78 73 68 78 74 69 74 71 68 83 75 71
September... 78 73 68 80 75 69 82 75 66 79 72 69 82 74 70
October... 82 76 70 90 75 65 82 73 66 79 72 66 84 77 66
November... 83 75 66 83 74 64 80 73 62 88 76 64 82 75 66
December... 81 73 83 82 73 60 81 74 60 81 72 86 80 72 64
  86.1 76.6 66.4 86.6 76.10 74.11 84.7 76.6 66.3 84.3 75.8 68.1 86. 76.11 67.4

        9. The Municipality of Belgaum has been in existence since 1852, but was
constituted a Town Municipality under Act VI. of 1873 on the 7th November
1874. It occupies an area of something it is supposed less than 2/3rds of a square
mile; but as no survey map exists, this computation is simply the result of rough
calculation. For municipal purposes it is divided into 4 wards, which are again
sub-divided into sections known as wadas or gulleys, generally speaking called
after the name of the principal resident in them, but the boundary of each section
is very indefinite. There are said to be 4½ miles of made-roads for the passage of
wheeled vehicles, and 3¼ miles of made-thoroughfare in the town. The re-
mainder are unmade. The principal streets run from east to west; those from
north to south are generally tortuous and winding. The roads are of a mode-
rate breadth, and are provided with gutters on each side.

        10. The population of the town at the time of the census in 1872
amounted to 26,947 persons, of whom 14,113, or 52.37 per cent of the total, were
males, and 12,834, or 47.63 per cent, were females. As the exact area of the
town is not obtainable, I am unable to speak of the density of the people; but if
the estimate given above is at all correct, the town is overcrowded, as there
would be about 63 persons to an acre and 40,882 to a square mile. In London
there are 41.69 persons to each acre, or 26,682 persons to a square mile.

        11. The population consisted of—

19,384 Hindus who formed 71.9 per cent of the entire population.
5,517 Mussulmans    „ 20.47         „                    „
1,757 Budhists          „  6.52         „                    „
275 Christians        „  1.02         „                    „
14 Others             „  0.06         „                    „

       These persons resided in 4,388 houses, 827 of which were of the better sort
and 3,561 of an inferior description; but I am unable to state the number of