tremely deep; and as this rock is porous, they will not hold water but afford con-
venient receptacles for the deposit of filth. As before noticed, the Municipality
have utilized two such quarry holes which are now in process of being filled with
sweepings. I may mention another in Kunjur Valli just behind the public
latrines for men and women. It was covered with filth of all kinds, and had
been made the receptacle, among other things, for old privy pans.

       33. The daily number of births and deaths in the town. is recorded both
by the Police and the Municipal ward peons, who report them daily to the office
where they are registered, and the returns are compared and checked by those
kept by the Police, which are compiled from information given by the Police
sepoys stationed in the different Police divisions.

       34. The returns of births during the last two years is as under:—

Years. Number of Births
Ratio of Births per 1,000
of Population.
1874... 782 29.02
1875... 894 33.07

       This is fairly high, but I am of opinion that many births must escape re-
gistration as long as the registering of them is not compulsory.

       35. The number of deaths registered in the following years in Belgaum
will be seen below:—

Years. Number of Deaths registered. Ratio of Deaths per 1,000 of Population.
Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total.
1871... 271 247 518 21.8 21.5 21.7
1872... 390 386 776 27.6 30.1 28.8
1873... 293 266 559 20.76 20.73 20.74
1874... 376 357 733 26.64 27.81 27.20
1875... 465 448 913 32.95 34.91 33.38

and the different causes of deaths are shewn in the next return:—

Years. Cholera. Small-pox Fever. Bowel Complaint. Injuries. Other Causes. All Causes. Ratio of Deaths per 1,000 of Population.
Cholera. Small-pox. Fever. Bowel Complaint. Injuries. Other Causes. All Causes.
1871... ... 59 175 77 12 195 518 ... 2.5 7.4 3.2 0 ... 21.7
1872... 19 97 181 107 15 357 776 0.7 3.6 6.7 4.0 0.6 ... 28.8
1873... ... 11 114 87 18 329 559 0.00 0.41 4.23 3.23 0.67 ... 20.74
1874... ... 50 112 78 8 485 733 0.00 1.85 4.16 2.89 0.27 ... 27.20
1875... 17 102 190 118 11 475 913 0.63 3.79 7.05 4.38 0.41 ... 33.38
Bombay 1875... 834 246 5,150 2,228 266 9,577 18,295 1.29 0.38 8.0 3.46 0.44 ... 28.39