It will be seen from the above that small-pox was very prevalent and nearly
ten times as fatal in Belgaum in 1875 as it was in Bombay during the same
year; that in none of the years under report has it ever been as low as the
Bombay rate of last year, though it was then exceptionally high in Bombay on
account of its being epidemic. The bowel complaint rate is also persistently
high, and corroborates the fact that the people of Belgaum are constantly drink-
ing their own excrement. Mr. Grey, the Collector, has mentioned to me his
belief that typhoid fever is prevalent here; and certainly the physical conditions
of the place are favourable to its development. The very high death-rate re-
corded last year, viz., nearly 34 per 1,000, shows, however good a climate or soil
of a town may be, that the first principles of sanitation cannot be neglected, as
they have been in Belgaum, without the greatest danger and risk to the people
who inhabit it.

   36. The deaths as they occurred among the different castes are next

Years. Number of Deaths registered. Ratio of Deaths per 1,000 of Population.
Christians. Mussulmans. Hindus. Other Classes. Total. Christians. Musaulmans. Hindus. Other Classes. Total.
1871... 5 84 329 100 518 ... ... ... ... 21.7
1872... 17 209 542 8 776 61.8 37.9 25.6 ... 28.8
1873... 3 137 419 ... 559 10.91 24.83 19.82 ... 20.74
1874... 3 211 519 ... 733 20.91 38.24 24.55 ... 27.20
1875... 9 222 681 1 913 32.73 40.24 32.22 71.43 33.88

   It will be at once seen that the Mussulman population dies at a higher rate
with respect to their numbers than any other class. This, in all probability,
depends on their habit of seclusion, especially among their women, or points to
their numbers not having been accurately returned at the census.

   37. The deaths were recorded to have taken place at the different ages
below mentioned:—

Years. Infants
unable to
Boys and
Adults. Old People. TOTAL.
Males. Females. Total.
1871... 41 128 201 125 ... ... 495
1872... 91 244 249 174 379 379 758
1873... 64 121 202 141 277 251 528
1874... 125 219 226 163 376 357 733
1875... 178 321 229 185 465 448 913

   B 383—c