his superintendence there will be a great change for the better in the scavenger-
ing arrangements of the town. The Municipality have lately engaged the services
of 13 additional sweepers, and they may eventually increase the number of carts
to 12. The carts now in use cannot at present be changed as they have been
engaged on a contract which has still 4 years to run. It will be necessary to
see how the Halalkor Cess works before the number of sub-inspectors, mucka-
dums and bhunghis can be increased.

   7. Your suggestions regarding the disposal of night-soil and sweepings,
the markets, and other matters will engage the best attention of the Com-

   8. I may add that I agree with the Commissioners that it is quite impossi-
ble to prevent the owners of cattle from keeping them in their houses and to
require them to build stables. It should be remembered that Belgaum contains
a large number of agriculturists whose cattle in many instances constitute their
sole wealth. The number of animals in the town alone shows how impossible
it would be to build stables for them even if the necessary space was available.

I have the honour to be,


Your most obedient Servant,


Collector and President.

   Resolutions passed at a General Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners
held on the 6th October 1876:—

   I. An addition to be made to the existing number of public latrines as
the state of the funds will allow, to be erected at such convenient places within
municipal limits as the local body may select. That persons using these latrines
be required to pay a Halalkor Cess.

   II. The existing pit privies be replaced by bhunghi privies in such places
within the town where the Municipality may determine that the change can be
effected without seriously inconveniencing the inhabitants of the premises in
which the privies are situated.

   III. A Halalkor Cess to be imposed on residents within the municipal
limits at the rates not exceeding those specified below, to be introduced gradually
at the discretion of the Municipality, who shall have the power to lower or remit
the tax in such instances in which they consider that the means of the house-
holder are not sufficient to enable him to pay it:—

Houses or lodgings occupied by more than 12 persons, Rs. a. p.
per house per month... 1 0 0
Do. do. 12 and more than 9 do.... 0 12 0
Do. do. more than 6 up to 9 do.... 0 8 0
Do. do. more than 4 up to 6 do.... 0 6 0
Do. do. more than 2 up to 4 do.... 0 4 0
Do. do. one or two do.... 0 2 0

   IV. The number of dust-bins in the town be increased.

   V. The surface conservancy establishment to be increased by 13 sweepers.
The number of carts may be gradually increased to 12 as funds will admit.

   VI. The suggestions of Dr. Hewlett regarding the building of new houses
to be followed as far as possible.

   B 383—f