And the different causes of deaths are shown in the next return:—

Years. Number of Deaths from specified Causes. Ratio of Deaths per 1,000 of Population.
Cholera. Small-pox. Fever. Bowel Com-
Injuries. Other Causes. All Causes. Cholera. Small-pox. Fever. Bow Com-
Injuries. Other Causes. All Causes.
1872... ... 33 230 117 12 174 566 ... 1.4 9.5 4.8 0.5 7.17 23.3
1873... ... 7 253 92 13 208 573 ... 0.26 9.33 3.39 0.48 7.66 21.12
1874... ... 13 268 44 11 205 541 ... 0.47 9.88 1.62 0.41 7.55 19.90
1875... 55 2 369 44 12 213 695 2.03 0.07 13.60 1.62 0.44 7.85 25.61

The above table shows that there is a persistently high death-rate from fever,
and unmistakeably points to the insanitary conditions I have shown to exist in
and around the houses the people live in.

   43. The deaths according to the castes are thus classified:—

Years. Number of Deaths registered. Ratio of Deaths per 1,000 of Population.
Christians. Mussulmans. Hindus. Other Classes. Total. Christians. Mussulmans. Hindus. Other Classes. Total.
1872... 2 138 418 8 566 These details are not obtainable. 23.3
1873... 5 138 427 3 573 10.53 20.30 21.02 107.14 21.12
1874... ... 151 381 9 541 ... 22.22 19.21 ... 19.90
1875... 5 214 466 10 695 10.53 31.48 24.74 357.14 25.61

As is very usually found, the death-rate among the Mussulman population is in
excess, and either the census return of their number is incorrect, and consequently
they show a higher death rate per 1,000, or the secluded life their women and chil-
dren lead, produces its usual sequence of bad health and premature death. The
great sanitary good effected by plenty of light and plenty of air in inhabited
houses can never be too frequently taught, and I trust that this return will enable
the Municipal Commissioners to introduce bye-laws regulating the admission into
the interior of houses of these two great essentials to the preservation of health.

   44. The deaths were recorded to have taken place at the different ages below

Years. Infants
unable to
Boys and
Adults. Old People. Total.*
          Males. Females. Total.
1872... 56 122 240 128 264 282 546
1873... 62 117 228 153 294 266 560
1874... 57 126 232 126 255 286 541
1875... 99 153 295 148 358 337 695

*Exclusive of "still-born."