2.  That existing cattle-stables, if not removed, be ventilated and drained.

     3.  That the steps leading to the wells be closed, and that the water in them
            be drawn up by a Persian wheel, the appurtenances of which should be
            made of iron, by which the water should be led into a covered reservoir,
            from which it should be drawn off through brass cocks. If this is done,
            rests for the water vessels to stand below the cocks should be provided.

     4.  That the system of lining the road-side gutters with slabs, be extended,
            if U-shaped stone or brick drains cannot be provided, and that these
            gutters, except at entrances into shops, be kept open.

     5.  That more ventilation be provided in the beef slaughter-house, and that
            the offal from it and mutton dressing-shed be buried in trenches and
            covered over with earth daily; and that a proper slaughter-house for
            sheep be erected, and that the flagging of the dressing-shed be com-

     6.  That the pits in which cutchra is deposited be closed, and that it either
            be burnt and the ashes thrown into the pit privies, or that it be carted to
            fields on the east side of the town and there deposited; but that it be
            no longer deposited on the west, and that the existing hole near the
            police station by the side of the road leading to Hebli Bahuti be closed.

     7.  As regards the fort—

             a .   That a public latrine be provided for the use of servants living there.

             b .   That the ground around the tank, from which the drinking water
                   is drawn, be more strictly conserved; that the servants' privies im-
                   mediately over the tank be removed, and that the urine, &c., from
                   the stables and the liquid refuse from cook-houses be conveyed
                   away by a drain, or be received into iron vessels and removed daily.

             c .   That servants be not allowed to wash just over the tank.

             d .   That no rank vegetation inside the fort be allowed.

             e .   That the police be instructed to prevent the glacis being defiled as
                   at present.

               f .   That access to the trenches be prevented by walling up the entrance
                   to them, and that, if possible, they be filled in.

     8.  That the station conservancy be more strictly looked after, and that the
            bhungies be no longer allowed to throw the night-soil from each house
            into the hedges, but that a tank-cart be provided, to which this filth
            could be brought, and that it be carried away to the east of the town.

     9.  That the debris of the old huts in the police lines be cleared away, and
            that the lines be enclosed and better huts provided.

     10.  That a central lunatic asylum be built.

     11.  That the suggestion made that the Civil Hospital be removed into the
            old Native Infantry Hospital in the fort be adopted.

          47. In bringing this report to a conclusion I would desire to express my
thanks to Mr. Robertson for the aid he afforded me during my inspection; and
my acknowledgments are also due to the energetic chairman of the Municipal
Commissioners, Mr. Deputy Collector I. Dracup, who accompanied me on most of
my visits to the town, and who took great pains to supply me with the informa-
tion.I required.

Acting Sanitary Commissioner.