Months. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875.
Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Maximum. Mainimum. Mean.
January... 96 61 78 98 65 81 74 66 70 92 68 80 82 58 70
February... 91 62 76 110 60 85 81 75 78 92 69 75 94 56 75
March... 98 65 81 109 71 90 86 76 81 95 72 83 96 72 84
April... 98 70 84 105 72 88 92 84 88 106 74 90 103 73 88
May... 111 78 94 105 79 92 94 84 89 98 75 86 103 78 90
June... 111 75 92 112 75 83 84 73 78 87 72 79 99 76 87
July... 99 75 87 87 74 80 84 72 78 87 69 78 85 75 80
August... 109 73 82 91 74 82 84 72 78 86 71 78 85 76 80
September... 93 72 82 91 73 82 82 72 77 85 73 75 80 75 77
October... 94 66 80 88 70 79 81 70 75 86 72 79 83 73 75
November... 103 68 85 88 83 85 85 65 75 85 63 74 81 73 77
December... 103 65 84 84 72 78 85 52 68 82 61 71 79 72 75

   The prevailing wind during each month of the year may be learnt from the
following return, which shows the observations taken since January 1874 up the
present time. Before 1874 the returns regarding this information are stated to
be not reliable:—

Months. Prevailing Wind.
1874. 1875. 1876.
January... N. E. E. & N. E. East.
February... W. E. & S. E. S. E. & W. E. S. E. & W.
March... N. E. N. E. West.
April... E. & S. E. W. & S. W. N. W. & W. West.
May... E. S. E. N. W. & W. E. N. E. W. N. & S. W. N. & N. E.
June... W. & S. W. S. W. W. & S. W.
July... W. & S. W. W. & S. W. W. & S. W.
August... W. N. W. & S. W. W. & S. W. W. S. W. & W. & N. W.
September... N. N. W. & W. W. & S. W.  
Octeber... N. W. &E. East.
November... E. & N. E. E. & N. E.
December... E. & N. E. E. & N. E.

   3. The City was originally confined to the area enclosed by the mud walls,
which for the most part still shut it in, but in process of time it has extended
itself towards the east and south, where the following Peits have been formed:—
on the south the Shideshwar, the Begum, Shanvar and Pacha Peits; on the east
the Sakher, Somwar, Ganesh, Budhwar or Babo, Guruvar, and Jadebhavi Peits;
and besides these the Mhárs are located in warras on the east near Kumbhar yes
and on the west near Dehgaon gate. The fort, surrounded by its ditch, which was
formerly kept filled with water, is situated on the south-west of the town, and
along its eastern side extends the Shideshwar Tank, which was excavated
about 700 years ago by a Lingayet named Shidhaya, who after death was
deified, and whose body was buried in an island left on one side, on which
a temple sacred to Shideshwar is built. The earth taken out of the tank
was deposited on its eastern and southern sides, where it forms large embank-
ments, which have been since used by Mussulman as burial-grounds. There were
originally 9 gates leading into the city, three of which, however, have lately been
removed. On the west is the Nawa gate, so named because it was only built in
1864, and the Dehgaon and Baleh gates, or yes as they are here named, are called