REGIMENT AND STATION OF 1873. Date of Arrival from Station
previously occupied.
Admission-rate per
1,000 of the Average
Number borne on
the Rolls.
Average Strength
present during 1873.
To their homes
for change of
For Discharge. With the Regi-
Absent from the
By Invaliding for
By Deaths.
1 45th Native Infantry, Wing, Shahjehanpore February 1872, from Mooltan 700 246 670.7 19 76 1 ... 108.57 5.71
2 45th Native Infantry, Wing, Moradabad 350 782.8 3 ...
3 2nd Bengal Cavalry, Bareilly (with Detach-meat of 50 men at Moradabad) February 1870, from Deolee and Jhansi 434 387 661.5 5 14 ... 1 32.26 2.30
4 11th Native Infantry, Bareilly February 1872, from Dum-Dum 704 631 510.3 ... 26 3 1 36.93 5.68
5 3rd Goorkhas, Almorah (with Detachments at
Petoraghur and Nynee Tal)
... 703 615 1066.7 31 21 5 ... 29.87 7.11
6 2nd Goorkhas, Deyrah ... 710 669 864.0 11 6 15 1 8.45 22.54
7 Sappers and Miners, Roorkee (with Detach-
ments at Rawal Pindee, Peshwur, and
... 1,138 1,003 927.2 20 46 11 6 40.42 14.94
8 8th Bengal Cavalry, Meerut (with Detachments
at Delhi and Agra)
February 1870, from Segowlie 447 395 1554.4 3 43 4 ... 96.19 8.95
9 5th Native Infantry, Meerut November 1872, from Benares 702 642 2412.8 10 26 5 2 37.04 9.97
10 20th Native Infantry, Delhi January 1872, from Tallagunge 691 601 1123.1 7 37 5 1 53.54 8.68
  REGIMENTS OF ROHILCUND AND MEERUT 6,229 5,539 1086.7 106 295 52 12 47.36 10.27
1 18th Native infantry, Agra (with Detachment
of 128 men at Futtehghur)
December 1872, from Goruckpore 699 632 1617.1 14 39 10 4 55.79 20.03
2 36th Native Infantry, Agra March 1873, from Peshawur 695 630 927.0 11 5 16 3 7.19 27.34
3 6th Bengal Cavalry, Morar February 1872, from Cawnpore 457 357 991.6 19 19 1 ... 41.58 2.19
4 6th Native Infantry, Morar January 1870, from Julpigoree 670 605 1362.0 30 15 4 1 22.39 7.46
5 34th Native Infantry, Morar November 1870, from Lucknow 693 615 1622.8 42 78 4 2 112.55 8.66
6 39th Native Infantry, Jhansi (with Detach-
ments at Lullutpore and Seepree)
December 1869, from Lucknow 699 620 2051.6 8 56 4 2 80.11 8.58
7 3rd Bengal Cavalry, Nowgong (with Detach-
meat of 101 men at Nagode)
March 1872, from Jhelum 449 369 1330.6 2 40 2 1 89.09 6.68
8 14th Bengal Cavalry, Deolee (with Detach-
ment of 110 men at Jhansi and 45 men at
December 1869, from Meerut 461 407 1697.8 7 12 3 1 26.03 8.68
  REGIMENTS OF AGRA. AND CENTRAL INDIA 4,823 4,235 1472.5 133 264 44 14 54.74 12.03
1 15th Bengal Cavalry, Umballa ( with Detach-
ment of 69 men at Jullundur)
April 1873, from Peshawur 457 395 599.9 10 5 5 3 10.94 17.51
2 32nd Native Infantry, Umballa February 1872, from Raneekhet 686 611 1679.2 11 47 9 4 68.51 18.95
3 7th Native Infantry, Jullundur (with 150 men
at Loodianah and Phillour)
March 1872, from Lucknow 698 653 1960.2 13 27 12 2 38.68 20.06
4 40th Native Infantry, Ferozepore December 1872, from Agra 713 620 1659.7 15 4 3 2 5.61 7.01
5 13th Bengal Cavalry, Mooltan January 1873, from Lucknow 455 389 2370.2 10 8 5 ... 17.58 10.99
6 31st Native Infantry, Mooltan November 1871, from Nowshera 704 628 1522.3 1 44 10 2 62.50 17.05
7 17th Bengal Cavalry, Sealkote March 1872, from Seetapore 454 373 1571.0 21 17 2 ... 37.44 4.41
8 15th Native Infantry, Sealkote February 1873, from Peshawur 693 618 813.9 28 18 14 9 25.97 33.19
9 1st Goorkhas, Dhurmsalla (with Detachment
at Kangra)
... 698 624 1173.1 4 34 13 3 48.71 22.92
10 4th Goorkhas, Bukloh (with Detachment of
154 men at Simla for the season)
... 678 595 981.5 8 34 1 2* 50.15 4.42
11 11th Bengal Cavalry, Meean Meer December 1872, from Allahabad 463 357 2288.5 1 14 ... 2 30.24 4.32
12 24th Native Infantry, Meean Meer November 1870, from Rawul Pindee 699 576 1664.9 5 105 11 7 150.21 25.75
13 17th Native Infantry, Wing, Meean Meer February 1872, from Delhi 706 393 2033.1 12 17 12 4 24.08 28.33
14 17th Native Infantry, Wing, Umritsur 252 1309.5 4
15 5th Bengal Cavalry, Jhelum December 1871, from Nowshera 453 404 455.4 2 22 5 ... 48.56 11.04
16 22nd Native Infantry, Jhelum April 1872, from Dacca 684 617 990.3 4 47 2 3 68.71 7.31
17 23rd Native Infantry, Jhelum February 1873, from Hazara 682 614 589.6 7 37 1 1 54.25 2.93

*Excluding 5 recruits who died before joining.