TABLE showing the SICKNESS and MORTALITY among the JAIL POPULATION in the PUNJAB during the Year 1873,
and the prevalence of the principal Diseases in each Month of the Year.

MONTHS. Average Strength. Average Number Daily Sick. Number Daily Sick per 1,000 of Strength. Number of Deaths. Died per 1,000 of Strength. CAUSES OF DEATHS.
Cholera. Smallpox. Enteric Fever. Typhus Fever. Fever, Intermittent. Fevers, Remittent and Continued. Apoplexy. Dysentery. Diarrhœa. Hepatitis. Spleen Disease. Respiratory Diseases. Heart Diseases. Phthisis Pulmonalis. Dropsy. Scurvy. Atrophy and Anæmia. Wounds and Accidents. All other Causes.
January... 12,982 423 32.6 95 ... ... ... ... ... 5 22 ... 14 6 ... 1 38 ... 2 ... ... 4 ... 3
February... 12,915 427 33.1 65 ... ... ... ... 3 3 16 ... 4 3 ... 1 28 ... ... 1 ... 4 1 1
March... 12,920 457 35.4 74 ... ... ... ... 23 3 16 1 2 4 ... ... 17 ... 1 ... ... 1 ... 6
April... 13,013 439 33.9 39 ... ... ... ... 10 4 5 2 4 1 ... 1 4 1 2 1 ... ... 2 2
May... 13,185 408 31.0 47 ... ... 1 ... 4 10 9 ... 3 2 ... ... 9 ... 1 ... ... 1 4 3
June... 13,707 391 28.5 36 ... ... ... ... 2 5 9 5 5 ... ... ... 3 ... 1 ... ... ... ... 6
July... 14,130 359 25.4 16 ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 3 1 ... ... ... 2 2 ... ... ... ... 2 2
August... 14,498 524 36.1 17 ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 1 4 1 ... ... 2 1 1 ... ... 1 ... 2
September... 14,581 876 60.1 35 ... ... ... ... ... 2 9 1 4 4 ... ... 8 ... 1 ... ... ... 1 5
October... 14,900 931 62.5 61 ... ... ... ... ... 1 26 1 5 5 1 1 15 1 1 ... ... 1 1 2
November... 14,838 653 44.0 90 ... ... ... ... ... 3 29 1 11 2 ... ... 30 ... 1 ... ... 5 ... 8
December... 14,683 518 35.3 101 ... ... ... ... ... 1 27 ... 12 8 ... ... 41 ... 2 ... ... 1 ... 9
  ... 1 ... 42 37 176 15 69 36 1 4 197 5 13 2 ... 18 11 49
Died per 1,000 of the Average Strength.
For the year... 13,863 534 38.5 676 48.76 ... .07 18.39* 1.08 7.57 .07 .29 14.21 .36 .94 .14 ... 1.30 .80 3.54
during the Year.
per 1,000 of
Died out
of each
Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Cholera... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Smallpox... ... 1 ... 1 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 .2 33.33
Enteric Fever... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Fever, Intermittent... 534 307 301 444 608 501 352 1,326 1,931 1,419 802 429 8,954 645.9 .41
Fevers, Remittent and Continued... 156 213 247 114 81 96 51 71 241 585 235 119 2,209 159.3 9.87
Apoplexy... ... ... 1 2 ... 6 5 1 1 1 1 ... 18 1.3 83.33
Dysentery... 56 28 45 52 60 84 68 93 156 116 79 74 911 65.7 5.08
Diarrhœa... 93 59 69 75 86 109 100 125 142 149 85 62 1,154 83.3
Hepatitis... 1 1 ... 1 2 1 ... 1 ... 1 ... ... 8 .6 12.50
Spleen Disease... 12 6 5 13 9 14 12 3 20 9 19 14 136 9.8 2.94
Respiratory Diseases... 209 152 97 46 39 48 33 42 61 83 140 235 1,185 85.5 16.62
Phthisis Pulmonalis... 3 4 1 3 1 4 ... ... 1 1 3 2 23 1.7 56.52
Dropsy... 3 ... 2 1 2 3 ... 2 4 3 2 2 24 1.7 8.33
Atrophy and Anæmia... 30 59 6 16 13 3 8 6 9 11 10 8 179 12.9 10.06
Scurvy... 1 1 ... 3 ... ... ... ... 2 3 ... 1 11 .8 ...
Rheumatism... 16 12 10 6 25 28 26 28 22 19 17 20 229 16.5 1.61
Venereal Diseases... 15 7 18 15 19 15 28 18 .19 19 13 11 197 14.2
Eye Diseases... 3 8 15 20 30 34 24 37 46 17 7 10 251 18.1
Abscess and Ulcer... 91 70 99 106 122 196 268 184 108 99 115 156 1,614 116.4
Wounds and Accidents... 25 35 36 45 43 41 45 41 37 41 36 17 442 31.9
All other Causes... 92 84 98 104 125 123 138 108 100 83 105 155 1,315 94.9
  1,340 1,047 1,050 1,067 1,266 1,306 1,158 2,086 2,900 2,659 1,669 1,315 18,863  
Admitted per 1,000 of the Average Strength in each Month.
103.2 81.1 81.3 82.0 96.0 95.3 81.9 143.9 198.9 178.2 112.5 89.6 1360.7  

*See Notes to Tables I and XII.