TABLE showing the SICKNESS and MORTALITY among the CHILDREN of the EUROPEAN REGIMENTS composing the
ARMY of INDIA during the Year 1876, and the prevalence of the principal Diseases in each Month of the Year.

MONTHS. Average Strength. Average Number Daily Sick. Number Daily Sick per 1,000
of Strength.
Number of Deaths in each
Death-rate of each Month
per 1,000 of Strength.
Cholera. Smallpox. Measles. Hooping Cough. Scarlet Fever. Enteric Fever. Intermittent Fevers. Remittent and Con-
tinued Fevers.
Apoplexy. Dentition. Convulsions. Meningitis and Hydro-
Tabes Mesenteriea. Phthisis Pulmonalis. Dysentery. Diarrhœa. Anæmia and Atrophy. Bronchitis and Pneu-
Croup and Diphtheria. All other cases.
January 11,802 227 19.2 34 2.88 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... 3 7 ... 2 1 1 1 10 4 ... 4
February 11,950 227 19.0 29 2.43 ... ... 3 1 ... ... ... 1 ... 2 6 ... 3 ... ... 2 5 3 1 2
March 12,281 267 21.7 43 3.50 1 ... 8 ... ... ... 1 ... ... 3 8 1 3 ... ... 4 5 8 ... 1
April 12,134 330 27.2 59 4.86 2 ... 5 ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 14 ... 4 ... 6 11 2 5 3 3
May 11,739 372 31.7 83 7.07 1 ... 4 ... ... ... ... 7 ... 15 14 5 2 ... 7 16 6 2 2 2
June 11,782 367 31.1 58 4.92 ... ... 2 1 ... ... ... 3 ... 8 14 2 2 1 1 9 6 3 2 4
July 11,766 393 33.4 61 5.18 3 ... 2 1 ... ... ... 3 ... 7 9 ... 4 ... 3 13 9 3 ... 4
August 11,780 519 44.1 105 8.91 8 ... 1 1 ... ... ... 2 ... 15 16 4 8 ... 6 26 9 4 ... 5
September 11,877 472 39.7 74 6.23 ... ... 1 1 ... ... ... 3 ... 21 8 1 5 ... 3 21 7 1 1 1
October 12,008 379 31.6 54 4.50 4 ... 1 ... ... ... 2 5 1 5 11 1 1 2 1 9 2 2 3 4
November 11,907 309 26.0 36 3.02 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 ... 2 5 2 2 ... 3 7 5 2 ... 1
December 11,550 208 18.0 28 2.42 ... ... ... ... ... 1 1 1 ... 2 6 3 ... ... ... 2 3 5 2 2
... ... ... ... ... ... 19 ... 27 5 ... 1 4 33 1 87 118 19 36 4 31 121 69 42 14 33
... ... ... ... ... ... Died per 1,000 of Strength.
For the year 11,882 340 98.6 664* 55.88 1.60 ... 2.27 .42 ... .09 3.11 .09 7.32 9.93 1.60 3.03 .34 2.61 10.18 5.81 3.53 1.18 2.77
the Year.
per 1,000 of
Died out
of each
Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Cholera ... ... 1 3 2 ... 3 12 ... 5 ... ... 26 2.2 73.08
Smallpox ... 2 ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 .3 ...
Dengue ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 6 1 2 19 1.6 ...
Measles 14 36 94 59 127 78 46 24 7 50 34 20 589 49.6 4.58
Hooping Cough 1 9 3 10 2 13 15 8 7 6 4 9 87 7.3 5.75
Scarlet Fever ... ... 1 1 ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... 1 4 .3 ...
Enteric Fever ... ... ... 3 ... 2 1 1 2 1 ... 2 12 1.0 8.33
Intermittent Fevers 44 63 58 46 63 49 73 94 99 193 159 69 1,010 85.0 .40
Remittent and Continu-
ed Fevers
27 33 53 66 101 102 79 88 85 136 104 47 921 77.5 3.58
Apoplexy ... ... ... 1 ... ... 3 1 1 ... ... ... 6 .5 16.67
Dysentery 10 10 6 29 16 8 17 47 29 25 21 5 223 18.8 13.90
Diarrhœa 31 33 63 92 108 82 127 194 91 75 48 28 972 81.3 12.45
Hepatitis 2 ... 1 ... 2 2 2 4 2 3 ... ... 18 1.5 ...
Spleen Disease 1 ... 1 1 ... 5 ... 4 1 1 3 1 18 1.5 ...
Respiratory Diseases 45 67 38 57 57 44 34 42 44 76 40 33 577 48.6 9.71
Eye Diseases 46 32 52 83 64 58 108 509 282 107 22 12 1,375 115.7 ...
Anæmia and Debility 72 76 62 77 97 82 76 100 66 89 70 59 926 77.9 7.45
Tubercular Diseases 6 7 9 9 13 3 9 15 10 6 8 4 99 8.3 40.40
Meningitis and Hydro-
1 ... 1 ... 6 3 ... 7 1 1 4 3 27 2.3 70.37
Convulsions 10 8 14 18 19 20 9 23 12 22 9 7 171 14.4 69.00
Dentition 31 25 31 46 62 42 47 78 53 31 39 19 504 42.4 17.26
Abscess and Ulcer 12 13 13 9 33 17 22 18 18 26 6 8 195 16.4 3.77
Injuries 22 18 15 18 11 20 8 29 16 14 11 9 191 16.2
All other Causes 44 51 47 48 48 45 36 44 36 38 23 30 490 41.2
... 419 483 563 677 831 675 715 1,343 872 911 606 368 8,463 ... ...
... Admitted per 1,000 of the Average Strength in each Month. ... ...
... 35.5 40.4 45.8 55.8 70.8 57.3 60.8 114.0 73.3 75.9 50.9 31.9 712.3 ...

          *Excluding 36 deaths, which appear in the Regimental Returns, of still-born children and premature children who survived their birth for a short time.