the sowars and native followers have submitted to the operation; and I am glad to state, that
through the faithful and efficient services of my hospital assistants, vaccination is still being
placed within the reach of every individual in the regiment.

       Water-supply, Source and Quality .—The supply of water for the cavalry is obtained from
wells and is of good quality, but occasionally inadequate in quantity. In the hot season,
when a free use of water is most essential to the well-being of the regiment, there has been
a scarcity, which has interfered with the comfort, if not with the health, of the men. This evil
will, I understand, be remedied sometime hence, by the laying on of an unlimited supply of
good water from the Kurruckwasla Canal.

       The extremes and means of temperature, with the amount of rain for the months of the
past year, are as follows:—

Months. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Rain. Remarks.
  Degrees. Degrees. Degrees. Inches. Cents.  
January 82 58 70 ... ...
February 92 61 76 ... ...
March 97 67 82 ... ...
April 97 69 83 ... 17
May 97 73 85 ... 36
June 96 73 84 6 54
July 86 73 79 6 88
August 85 73 79 ... 98
September 83 72 77 4 27
October 87 60 73 ... 57
November 86 59 72 ... ...
December 86 56 71 ... ...
Total      20 22
State of the Regiment on the 31st December 1872.
Strength of regiment (excluding European officers) 482
European officers 6
Hindoos 294, Mussalmans 181, Indo-Britain 1, Christians 6 482
Married men 189, children 294 483
Recruits at riding drill 16 ... 33
Recruits at foot drill 17
Men under 2 years' service 61
Court-Martial during the year 8
Strength of guard by day 26 by night 29 55
Nights in bed 7
Regimental Schools Adults 25
Boys 55
English Class Adults 4
Boys 15
Died out of Hospital 3
Native Establishment.
Native Accountant 1
Chowdree 1
Moosudee 1
Peons 6
Syces 172
Grass-cutters 115
Bullock Bhistee per troop 1 6
Latrine Conservancy.
Filth-cart 1
Sweeper 4
Line Conservancy.
Sweepers 9

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