The following tabular statement exhibits the strength, percentage of sickness, and morta-
lity during the period under review:—

Corps. Mean Strength. Mean daliy average
number of sick.
Percentage of sick
to stregth.
Number of Deaths.
Ague. Cougestion of brain. Diarrhœa. Leprosy. Peritonitis. Phthisis
H. M.'s 6th Regiment N. I. 631 13.3 49.7 ... 1 1 1 ... ...
   Do. 12th Regiment N. I. 617 13.3 99.0 1 ... ... ... 1 ...
   Do. Staff and Details 91 4.0 80.2 ... ... ... ... ... 1
Total     1,339 30.6 228.9 1 1 1 1 1 1

       The 6th Regiment, which arrived in Belgaum in December 1871, has occupied the right
flank lines which were vacated by the 1st Grenadier Regiment N.I. in the latter part of the
same year, by which Regiment they were constructed.

       The 6th Regiment N. I. was in a very healthy condition on its arrival, which has con-
tinued throughout the year, as shown in the above statement, the daily average number of sick
having amounted to 13.3 only.

       Two cases of small-pox occurred in this regiment, which were accommodated in a tent
pitched in an isolated spot to the south-west of the cantonment, and at a distance from any

       The 12th Regiment N. I. greatly improved in health during the year, and the daily aver-
age number of sick (15.1) contrasts favourably with that of the previous year (26.3). This
change for the better may be attributed to the good effect of a healthy climate upon men who
had been previously stationed at Aden for a period of two years.

       The native infantry lines are both of recent construction; they are kept clean and neat,
and are situated on sloping ground which affords good natural drainage: but, in consequence
of rice crops being allowed to grow close to the limits of camp in that direction and in the
immediate vicinity of the lines, they are less healthy than would otherwise be the case.

       The hospital accommodation is good, but (as before pointed out) insufficient for the re-
quirements of the two regiments usually stationed in Belgaum. Much inconvenience was
experienced on this account during the occupation of the lines by the 1st Grenadier Regiment
N. I., when tents were required to supplement the hospital accommodation during several

       The hospital of the 12th Regiment N. I., has been lately improved by the substitution of
stone flags for earth in the flooring of the principal ward.

       A ward for contagious diseases, a deadhouse, and proper quarters for the hospital assist-
ants, are greatly required. The two former might be made common to both hospitals.

       The latrines are of the usual construction, are well situated, and are kept clean.

       The lascar lines have been before described, and no alteration has been carried out in them
during the year. The defects, as regards construction and situation, which were before pointed
out, still obtain.

       The following table shows the quantity of rain registered at the Civil Hospital during the

  January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. Noverber. December. Total.
  I. C. I. C. I C. I. C. I. C. I. C. I. C. I. C. I. C. I. C. I. C. I. C. I. C.
Rainfall ... ... ... ... ... 15 1 6 1 28 10 56 13 80 3 84 7 93 1 98 ... 13 3 78 44 51