A scorbutic condition of the gums, and fœtor of the breath, was now and again met with,
but disappeared with the convalescence of the patients so affected.

     A gue still constitutes a large number of admissions. The hypodermic injection of quinine
is found to be the most useful remedy. The expense of treatment, too, by this method is
small; as, generally, only half, or, at most, one grain of quinine is sufficient to effect a cure.

     Contusions comprise shoebites. There were 71 admissions under this head. A large
number of the latter are due to faultiness in the construction of boots. Were sandals worn
instead this large item would almost disappear.

     Venereal affections caused 47 admissions against 74, and 60 in the two preceding years.
This diminution may fairly be attributed to the existence of a lock hospital in the station.

     Bronchitis is met with in the winter months. The men attacked come into hospital
almost immediately, and with care, recovery is the rule. None of the other diseases call for
special remarks.

     There were 12 deaths during the year: 2 from pleuritis, 2 from anœmia, 2 from bronchitis,
1 from ague, 1 from remittent fever, 1 from pneumonia, 1 from dysentery, 1 from diarrhœa, and
1 from hepatitis.

     Forty-three children were successfully vaccinated. There was no cholera or small-pox.

     The new system of Trench-latrines was tried as an experiment in May last, but was found
impracticable on account of the hardness of the soil in the neighbourhood of the Belooch lines,
the unfitness of the soil as a deodorizer, and the fact of the drainage from the ground, proposed
to be used for the purpose, being seen to be certain to contaminate some of the cantonment
wells and city tanks.

     The sanitary condition of the lines, barracks, and hospital, is good.

     The rainfall was 8 inches and 20 cents.


     Haidarabad .—In Medical Charge of Assistant Surgeon B. Keelan; Strength 652.

     The average strength of the regiment during the past year has been 652, number of
admissions 1,133, number of patients remaining in hospital on the 1st of January 1873, 39,
daily average number of sick 33.3, percentage treated to strength 17.9, and deaths to strength
1.22. The monthly admissions into hospital were as follows:—

January... ... ... ... 67
February... ... ... ... 27
March... ... ... ... 25
April... ... ... ... 34
May... ... ... ... 31
June... ... ... ... 44
July... ... ... ... 59
August... ... ... ... 59
September... ... ... ... 86
October... ... ... ... 316
November... ... ... ... 232
December... ... ... ... 153
Total for the year ... 1,133

     From this table it will be seen that the admissions were considerably in excess of those for
last year, being 1,133 against 613 of last year. This is owing to the great prevalence of fever
and to the outbreak of dengue during the autumn. Ague as usual stands highest amongst the
number of cases admitted, next to which comes dengue, an account of which will be given later
on in this report. Contusions of the upper and lower extremity stand at 63; those of the
lower extremities were mostly shoebites, many of which resulted in weak ulcers; several were
also caused by slight accidents occurring during parade or at the gymnasium; ulcers, too, were
frequent, several of these were of syphilitic origin, requiring constitutional treatment. Con-
junctivitis was common; these cases were kept apart from the others, as far as space and
accommodation would allow; the only cause that I can assign for this disease is the glare
combined with the dust; the other diseases were not of sufficient interest to call for remark.

     Deaths .—Eight deaths took place in the regiment; an account of each of these was given
in the monthly returns. One of the casualties occurred out of hospital suddenly; the deceased
had been invalided for enlarged liver, after which he returned to the lines to live with his

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