TROOPS serving in the BOMBAY PRESIDENCY during the year 1872—continued.

INVALIDED. HINDOOS. MUSSULMAN. Strength of Regiment on
31st December 1872.
Regiment. Average number of con-
secutive nights in bed.
Number of Deaths out of
Hospital and on leave.
Average aily sick. REMARKS.
To Treated. To average
For discharge the
For change of
Strength. Died per cent. to
Strength, in and
out of Hospital
and on leave.
Strength. Died per cent. to
Strength, in and
out of Hospital
and on leave.
DIVISION-continued .                      
0.5 0.7 10 2 147 0.6 6 ... 153 Detachment 11th
Regiment N. I.
19 17/25 ... 5.0  
0.4 0.4 13 10 601 0.4 95 ... 696 7th Regt. N. I. ... 23.3  
0.3 0.3 11 18 387 0.2 76 2.6 496 14th do. 112/6 1 21.2  
... ... ... ... 13 ... 64 ... 77 Detachment Poona
3 ... 7.8  
0.3 0.8 29 19 471 0.8 134 ... 605 3rd Regt. N. L. I. ... 27.4  
0.4 0.6 23 6 433 1.2 61 ... 494 9th do. 3 3 14.7  
0.3 0.4 27 12 590 0.6 89 1.3 679 18th do. 8 1/4 2 17.2  
... ... ... 1 70 1.4 81 1.2 151 Squadron 2nd Re-
giment L. C.
6 2 3.4  
0.9 0.8 4 1 113 0.8 16 0.1 129 2nd Company Na-
tive Artillery.
4 1 2.0  
0.2 0.3 24 22 603 1.0 85 ... 688 20th Regt. N. I. 4 53.7  
0.6 1.3 5 4 166 1.8 148 0.6 314 2nd Regt. L. C. 7 3 15.2  
0.5 1.9 29 24 515 2.1 113 1.2 628 24th Regt. N. I. 5 4 52.5  
0.3 0.6 29 7 295 2.0 61 1.8 356 Head Quarters 10th
Regiment N. I.
81/3 4 23.0  
1.3 1.8 43 8 551 2.4 118 8.8 669 16th Regt. N. I. 6 3 20.7  
0.2 0.3 10 8 201 1.0 154 0.7 355 3rd Regt. L. C. 2 13.8  
0.4 0.9 21 4 563 1.5 94 ... 657 22nd Regt. N. I. 5.1 2 45.5  
0.4 0.7 ... 6 99 ... 34 0.3 133 Squadron 3rd Re-
giment L. C.
5 1/26 1 5.1  
0.3 0.9 39 7 476 1.2 155 ... 631 23rd Regt. N. L. I. 7 4 60.9  
0.3 0.4 9 2 211 1.0 37 ... 248 Right Wing 25th
Regiment N. L. I.
... 9.2  
0.0 0.1 19 11 608 0.1 71 ... 679 4th Regt. N.I. 5 ... 23.1  
... ... ... 3 76 ... 13 ... 89 Detachment 9th
Regiment N. I.
3 ... 0.6  
... ... ... ... 46 ... 4 ... ... Detachment 9th
Regiment N. I.
... ... 1.0  
... ... ... ... 42 ... 6 ... 54 Detachment 3rd
Regiment N. I.
... ... 0.4  
0.3 1.1 ... ... 82 1.4 7 ... 89 Detachment 9th
Regiment N. I.
6 ... 9.3  
0.6 1.9 30 14 250 2.4 46 7.7 296 25th Regt. N. I. 3 23.7  
... ... ... 4 150 ... 79 ... 196 Detachment 10th
Regiment N. I.
1 5.0