Return showing the Admissions and Deaths, &c., amongst the Native Troops of the Bombay Presidency at the several Stations for the year 1872
compared with 1871.

1872. 1871.
Divisions. Regiment. Station. Average
daily sick.
Deaths. Regiment. Station. Strength Daily Sick. Admis-
PRESIDENCY DIVISION. Detachment 11th Regt. N. I. Bombay 158 5·9 140 1 Detachment 11th Regt. N. I. Bombay 177 3·0 103 1
19th Regiment N. I. Do. 630 20·6 667 6 19th Regiment N. I. Do. 646 28·6 873 1
21st do. Do. 563 19·0 474 3 21st do. Do. 575 20·0 451 8
Details do. Do. 46 3·0 39 3 Details do. Do. 24 2·0 18 3
Right Wing 15th Regt. N. I. Tanna 295 14·7 646 1 Left Wing 10th do. Tanna 270 13·0 393 4
Detachment 19th Regt. N. I. Junjeera 16 1·2 34 ... Detachment 21st do. Junjeera 35 2·5 97 ...
26th Regiment, N. I. Surat 640 40·6 1,590 10 13th do. Surat 632 23·8 868 9
Detachment 21st Regt. N. I. On Board the
Str. "Dalhou-
8 0·1 22 ...            
Do. do. On Board Turret
"Abyssinia" &
16 ...... ... ...            
Do. do. Bassadore 11 2·4 114 1            
1st Co. Native Artillery Aden 85 5·3 187 1 2nd Co. Native Artillery Aden 94 2·3 118 1
5th Regiment N. L. I. Do. 592 21·4 399 6 5th Regiment N. I. Do. 628 26·8 822 18
2nd Co. Sappers and Miners Do. 96 1·4 41 ... 2nd Co. Sappers and Miners Do. 97 3·3 128 1
Aden Troops Do. 89 7·0 308 ... Aden Troops Do. 84 6·0 279 ...
Detachment 5th Regt. N. I. Perim 52 1·7 70 1 Detachment 5th Regt. N. I. Perim 50 12·1 65 ...
  Total 3,297 144·0 4,731 33     3,312 143·4 4,215 46