11. The Jubilee of the Countess of Dufferin's Fund was celebrated in
1935 both in India and the United Kingdom. On that occasion Her Majesty
Queen Mary sent the following message to the Marchioness of Willingdon,
the then President of the Council:—"I would wish to take this opportu-
nity of asking you to express to those present at this auspicious Meeting
my continued keen interest in all that affects the welfare and happiness of
the Fund, and to convey to one and all my warm thanks for their loyal
and ever ready support of the great movement which for 50 years has ren-
dered invaluable help to the women of India.

      "May all success attend the labours of the Fund in the future, as in the

      12. On the occasion of the celebration of the Silver Jubilee of His late
Majesty King George V, the Dufferin Fund was chosen by him to be one of
the four benevolent organisations to benefit by the Silver Jubilee Appeal.
Out of the sum of rupees 142 lakhs collected, a sum of Rs. 7,20,000 was
given to the Countess of Dufferin's Fund Council for administration.

      This sum was allotted for specific purposes:—

(a) To restore loss of income caused by fall in the rate of
(b) For additional staff 3,00,000
(c) For building quarters for officers and nurses 1,00,000
(d) For rebuilding the Dufferin Hospital, Calcutta 1,00,000
(e) For rebuilding the Dufferin Hospital, Quetta 1,00,000
(f) For the Women's Christian Medical College, Ludhiana 90,000

      13. The death of the Founder of the Fund—the Dowager Marchioness of
Dufferin and Ava—occurred on October 27th, 1936. Lady Dufferin had
taken an active interest in the welfare of the Dufferin Association from
1885 up to the time of her death. She was able to attend the United
Kingdom Jubilee Meeting of the Association in 1935 and addressed the

      14. In April 1936 the Marchioness of Willingdon relinquished the Presi-
dentship of the Association which she had held for five years. She was
succeeded by Her Excellency the Marchioness of Linlithgow.

      15. The office of Chairman of the Council and Executive Committee was
occupied by Sir David Petrie until March when he was succeeded by Sir
Ernest Burdon.

      16. The ordinary recurring income of the Dufferin Fund which amount-
ed to Rs. 40,900 was spent as usual on grants to Provincial Dufferin
Branches and to various hospitals and other institutions. A sum of
Rs. 9,543 was spent on scholarships to students in medical colleges; 18 at
the Lady Hardinge Medical College, Delhi, 3 at Bombay, 3 at Madras and
3 at Calcutta.

      17. The Association continued its help to the work of Maternity and
Child Welfare not only by paying the salaries of the Director of the Mater-
nity and Child Welfare Bureau, Indian Red Cross Society and of the