The kidneys, lungs, and heart presented no marked changes. Some
          punctiform hæmorrhages were present on the parietal peritoneum
          and on the under surface of the arachnoid.

Autopsy No. 2.—A female patient. Age about 15. Death from bron-
          cho pneumonia following cancrum oris.

 Spleen enlarged; length six inches; consistence firm; not pigmented.
 Liver not enlarged but showed lobular changes.

 Small intestine apparently normal. A few anchylostomes were pres-
           ent, also some round worms and a few whip-worms (Tricho-

Large intestine.—Mucous membrane for the most part normal. In the
         sigmoid flexure and rectum numerous ulcers about the size of a
         split-pea were present. Many of these presented thickened and
         raised edges, so that they had an almost pustular appearance.
         In a few a central mass of altered blood pigment was present
         reaching as deep as the muscular coats.

   The lungs showed patches of congestion and consolidation.

Autopsy No. 3.—A male patient. Age about 20. Death from purulent
              peritonitis. The abdomen contained purulent fluid.

   Spleen much enlarged; length 8 inches; consistence firm; not pig-

   Liver not enlarged but lobular changes visible. A small abscess cavity
             about the size of a marble was found in the left lobe; it con-
             tained soft caseous material.

   Small intestine.—Patches of congested mucous membrane were present,
             and on the edges of the valvulæ conniventes small red dots
             resembling grains of Cayenne pepper (capillaries of villi) were
             seen. Anchylostomes were not found.

   Large intestine.—The mucous membrane was greatly thickened
            throughout and dark pink in colour from congestion. Small
            erosions were present throughout the gut. Patches, several
            square inches in extent, showed projecting small red granul-
            ations and were covered by tenacious pink mucus. Small ulcers,
            often hidden by the overlapping mucous membrane, were numer-
            ous, and large ulcers extending over several square inches were
            situated at intervals along the gut. Perforation of the base of
            one of these had taken place.