occasion it gave a complete reaction with the stock M. Melitensis in dilution
in 640. On the second occasion the following was the result:—

Dilution of serum. Stock. Multan I.
1—40 Complete sedimenta-
Complete sedimenta-
1—80 Complete ,, Complete ,,
1—200 Well marked ,, Complete ,,
1—400 Trace of ,, Well marked,,
1—800 No ,, Trace of,,

       Blood was withdrawn from the spleen about the end of the fifth week. A
pure culture of M. Melitensis was obtained (Multan II).

       Case III.—Teja Singh; aged 36, Sepoy, 27th Punjabis, Multan. Patient
was admitted into hospital on the 24th March 1905 suffering from high fever.
The temperature (vide chart III) fell gradually and reached normal on the 12th
day. Patient was then discharged to duty. After an apyretic interval of about a
fortnight's duration, a relapse, which lasted for several weeks, began. The tem-
perature during this relapse was markedly remittent. No other noteworthy
symptoms were present.

       The agglutination reaction of the serum with M. Melitensis was tested on
two occasions. On the first occasion, five days after the onset of the initial attack,
a complete reaction in dilution of 1 in 60 was obtained with an emulsion of stock
M. Melitensis. On the second occasion, namely, at the end of the fourth week
and shortly after the beginning of the relapse, the following result was got:—

Dilution of serum. Stock. Multan.
1—40 Complete sedimenta-
Complete sedimenta-
1—80 Well marked „ Complete ,,
1—160 No ,, No ,,

       Blood was taken from the spleen at the beginning of the fifth week. A pure
growth of M. Melitensis was got on all the tubes inseminated (Multan III).

       Case IV.—Sahib Singh; aged 29, Sepoy, 27th Punjabis, Multan. Patient.
was admitted into hospital on 31st March 1905 suffering from fever. The tem-
perature (vide chart IV) was of a markedly remittent type. After nearly nine