Blood was withdrawn from the spleen at the beginning of the sixth week.
The tubes were all contaminated with a white staplylococcus, but M. Melitensis
was easily isolated. (Multan VIII).

     Case IX.—Gulab Khan; aged 19, Sepoy, 27th Punjabis, Multan. Patient
was admitted into hospital on 28th May 1905 suffering from continued fever
which resisted large doses of quinine, (chart IX.) There was slight delirium at
first, but this soon passed off. During the fifth week patient complained of severe
pain in the right hip-joint: this pain lasted only for a few days. There were no
other marked symptoms.

     The serum agglutination reaction with M. Melitensis was tested about the
end of the second week. The following was the result:—

Dilution of serum. Stock. Multan I.
1—40 Complete sedimenta-tion. Complete sedimenta-tion.
1—80 Complete ,, Complete ,,
1—160 Complete ,, Complete ,,
1—320 Trace of ,, Trace of ,,
1—640 No ,, No ,,

     At the end of the second week blood was removed from the spleen and sown
in agar. A pure culture of M. Melitensis was obtained (Multan IX).

     Case X.—Dalhara Singh; aged 22, Sepoy, 15th, Sikhs, Ferozepore. Patient
was admitted into hospital on 26th April 1905 suffering from fever of a remittent
type. For temperature vide chart X. There were no other marked symptoms.

     The serum agglutination reaction with M. Melitensis was estimated on two
occasions. First, at the end of the second week. The following result was ob-

Dilution of serum. Stock. Multan I.
1—80 Complete sedimenta-tion. Complete sedimenta-tion.
1—160 Complete ,, Complete ,,
1—320 Complete ,, Complete ,,
1—640 Well marked ,, Complete ,,
1—1280 No ,, Trace of ,,
1—2560 No ,, No ,,