The following table shows the result of allowing fæces containing many
bacilli to stand at room temperature, 85° F., protected from the sun:—

Name, number, Regiment
of patient.
Date of passing sample
of fæces.
Date of examination
of fæces.
Bacillus typhosus
in fæces.
Sepoy G. Rao, 114th
  Mahratta Light Infan-
  try, Poona.
19th September 1907 19th September 1905 + + +
  20th        ditto + +
    21st        ditto + +
23rd        ditto + +
24th        ditto
26th        ditto
27th        ditto
  Large numbers of B.

        The following table shows the duration of life of B. typhosus in normal
European fæces kept at room temperature, 80°F., protected from sun:—

Amount of fæces. Amount of B. typhosus added. No. of days
after infection of
B. typhosus in fæces.
5 grms. emulsified in normal
  salt solution.
One loopful of an emulsion 5 +
         Ditto          Ditto 10
         Ditto          Ditto 14
         Ditto          Ditto 21

        The following table shows the duration of life of the B. typhosus in sewage
effluent kept at room temperature (80°F.) and protected from light:—

Source. Amount of effluent. Amount of
bacillus typhosus
Days after
infection of
B. typhosus
Meerut septic tank One test tube full One loopful 5 +
      Ditto       Ditto       Ditto 17
      Ditto       Ditto       Ditto 23