Ranchi Jail.

16 prisoners under observation for 14 days.

Darjeeling Jail.

13 prisoners under observation for 12 days.
12 " " " " 12 "
12 " " " " 10 "

     In the work of investigating the nutritive value of Bengal Jail, dietaries
we have had over 250 prisoners under observation for 350 days. During this
time these prisoners were actually fed by us on a known diet, and their excreta
collected for analysis.

     4.Chemical analyses—

         (a) Determinations of total nitrogen—1,950—-which in addition to 300 in
                food analyses brings the total Kjeldahl's determinations to 2,250.

                   [Every determination was done in duplicate in the analyses
                        of the excreta.]

                  This does not take into account a very large number of
                       controls, nor the determinations of urea as nitrogen.

          (b) The total chlorides were estimated in every specimen of urine and
                 fæces that came under examination—the total estimations would
                 therefore be half the number of Kjeldahl's determination, but to
                 this must be added about 350 special salt-metabolism experiments,
                 bringing the total up to about 1,500.

          (c) The free ammonia of the urine has been estimated on about 200
                 different occasions.

          (d) A large number of observations have been made on the amount of
                  urea and its relationship to the total nitrogen. These determin-
                  ations were carried out by the Mörner-Sjöqvist process as
                  modified by Bodlker.

          (e) The uric acid, purin bodies and phosphates have all come under
                 observation during the investigation.

     5. Blood examinations

          A large number of blood counts and hæmoglobin estimations have been
              done in connection with the effects of salt on the system. We
              have also made extensive enquiries as to the effects of large
              amounts of salt on body-weight, on the percentage of corpuscles in
              the blood, and on the percentage of chlorides in the serum; but,
              as the methods of accurately investigating the percentage of cor-
              puscles requires much time and the use of an electric centrifugal