At Bhera and other places stillbirths were not recorded in such numbers, but
it is quite possible the conditions were not so favourable as at Amritsar for the
record of such occurrences.

(iii) Spleen Rate.

      In Chapters VI to VII will be considered in detail the conditions at those
places actually visited; but a summary of the observations upon splenic enlarge-
ment and parasite rate seems desirable whilst discussing the general characters of
the epidemic.

      In order to give more information than is given by merely quoting the total
percentage of children with enlarged spleens I have adopted for the record of spleen
rate five classes, namely, (1) very large spleens reaching to the umbilicus or beyond ;
(2) spleens four fingers' or a hand's breadth below the costal margin or approx-
imately 7-10 cm.; (3) spleens two or three fingers' breadth below the costal mar-
gin or approximately 2-7 cm.; (4) spleens only palpable or a finger's breadth below
the costal margin (2 cm.); (5) spleens not palpable. In this paper are given the
percentages of these five classes always in the same order, namely, from left to right,
class I, II, III, IV, V. Following these is given the total percentage of children
with enlarged spleens, and last of all the numbers of children examined.

      Immediately after the epidemic (February to April) the spleen rate in per-
centages of those places visited was as follows :—

Total. No. of
child -
Amritsar town         1.6 7.7 31.5 24.5 34.6 63.4% 1,253
Amritsar villages         4 10 43 29 13 87 % 122
Palwal town           4 15 49 19 12 88 % 147
Palwal villages         3 16 50 20 18 82 % 133
Delhi             2 8 30 22 38 62 % 279

       The splenic rate observed in different areas of Amritsar and the mortality
rates recorded in the areas during the epidemic are as noted below :—

per mille
Oct. and Nov.
Division 9 17,206 448 3 12 40 24 19 81% 418
Division 4   5,460 117 0  0  4 10 86 14% 112
Division 6   8,335   80
Division 8 13,553 328 0  1 28 12 58 42% 178
Divisions 5 and 7 42,048 375 1 11 42 29 16 84% 256