To the north-east are large weedy tanks in which N. fuliginosus breeds in
immense numbers during the months of March and April. Similar sheets occur on
the west of the city, and one such source of N. fuliginosus is situated to the south-
east near Gurba Singh. The sheet of water to the south and west of the city and
many of those on the north and west are unsuitable for breeding and no larvæ
are found in them. M. culicifacies is found breeding in the subsoil water drain
and in a drain to the south of Khazana, but I have never found this species very
numerous at Amritsar. N. stephensi breeds especially in April and May in pools
around the city especially to the eastern side. During the rains the temporary
breeding places are exceedingly numerous as will be evident from the number
marked on the map south of Khazana, the only area in which these have been

     Breeding places on the outskirts of the city.—Within or close to the city boundary
permanent breeding places are much less numerous than one might suppose.
Pools acting as breeding places and lasting some time were found upon waste
ground and in gardens in Jalewalyan and on a piece of waste ground near Khazana.
N. fuliginosus also occurs freely in some small tanks in Jalewalyan. This species
was also found breeding in the Municipal gardens and in a drain on the eastern
border of the city. Speaking generally breeding within the city boundary only
assumes importance during and after the rains.

     The most important of such breeding places are:—

        (1) Flooded fields.
        (2) Shallow roadside pools, pools in compounds, etc.
        (3) Small pools formed within the area of houses where building operations
are in progress or where a house has fallen clown, etc.; these are all
of a very temporary nature.

     Breeding places within the city.—In the dry weather it would not be too much to
say that breeding places do not exist within the city proper. Unlike Delhi I
have not succeeded in finding any wells except one or two upon the extreme out-
skirts harbouring the larvæ of N. stephensi.

     The large tanks of which there are several in the city have been examined
several times with no result, and it is interesting to find the healthiest portions of
Amritsar in regard to malaria are to be found in their immediate neighbourhood.

     During the rains breeding places are formed in considerable numbers in the
outer portions of the city; but they decrease in numbers rapidly as one passes
citywards. (Vide Map III.)

Distribution of Adult Anopheles.

     During 1909, observations were more or less confined to Khazana and
Mahan Singh.