Breeding Places of Anopheles.

       Anopheles were breeding freely in weedy pools just outside the city and in
one or two small puddles within the city boundary. It is impossible to say what
the conditions as regards breeding places during the rains might have been.

(v) Miani.

       Miani is a town of only 7,220 inhabitants, situated near Bhera, but so situated
that a portion of the town lies on slightly higher ground which forms the bank of
the riverain at this spot.

       Though the southern part of the town was on comparatively dry ground the
northern portion lay on water-logged ground with much standing water about and
the subsoil water level of from 5 to 6 feet from the surface.

       The mortality rose in the last week of September and reached a figure of 403
per mille in the second week in October. The spleen rate was—

5 19 35 20 21 79% 56

       No part of the town was found unaffected.

(vi) Gujrat.

       Gujrat, with a population of 19,048, is built on a very high mound surrounded
by low flat cultivated land. Unlike Palwal the portion on the summit of the
mound is thickly populated.

       The mortality first reached 100 per mille on the last week in September and
attained to a rate of 247 per mille on the second week of October, but this high
rate was maintained for a short time only.

       The spleen rate on the margins of the city was—

0 5 24 21 49 51% 37

       In the central portions it was even lower—

.7 .7 15 21 62 38% 130

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