Dog. IV.—Weight. 4¼lbs.

10 a.m., 2nd March 1908.— Received subcutaneously 15 c.c.. goat's serum.
Isotonic point
.525 salt.
1 p.m., 2nd March 1908.— Dog seedy, shivering.  
Ditto Anæmia, but no hæmoglobinuria or hæmoglobinæmia.  
Ditto Corpuscles in 1 % salt at 37, no hæmolysis in 2 hours.  
Ditto Isotonic point .71 salt.
2 p.m., 2nd March 1908.— Isotonic point shows a trace of colour at .83 salt. No
5 p.m., 2nd March 1908.— Dog killed. Tissues pale, blood watery.  

  Spleen greatly enlarged, firm, black in colour, surface tuberculated.

  A trace of hæmoglobinæmia in the peripheral blood and in the blood from
the splenic and hepatic veins.

            Urine in bladder not hæmoglobinous.

            Hæmosozis value very high, being over 1.2
per cent salt.

  In this dog hæmoglobiæmia appeared to have only lust supervened.
It was already present in all situations. The, urine was not yet hæmogiobinu-

  Dog V.—Weight. 5 lbs.

10 a.m.,. 2nd March 1908.— Received 3 c.c.. goat's serum intravenously.
  Dog dead in 30 minutes.

             Tissues pallid,. spleen enlarged, dark purple, soft and not tuberculated as in
dogs. 1 and 4.

             Liver dark purple.

             Intestine purplish. In the veins can be seen agglutinated masses of cor-
puscles floating in clear fluid plasma.

             Ventricles, and auricles filled with pale clot.

     Dog VI.—Weight 4½ lbs.

10 a.m., 2nd March 1908.— Received 3 c. c. goat's serum, subcutaneously.  
3 p.m., 2nd March 1908.— Isotonic point 475 salt.
10 a.m., 3rd March 1908.— Seen to be passing hæmoglobinous urine  
  Dog; killed.