1st attack. 2nd attack.  
(20) American child. Aged
April-May 1899 .. Child had been a few weeks in
Darjeeling, and had two mild
attacks Black-water Fever. Sub-
sequently he had several other
attacks after May 1899. They
appeared after small doses of
quinine. Temperature sometimes
went to 107.
  Came to Assam when
4 months old. Had
no less than 8 at-
tacks of Black-water
June 1900—
July 1900.
.. In June 1900 he had euchinin
in one gr. doses without
ill effect, but later he had fever
every second day (tertian), and
after a dose of 4 grs. of euchinin
severe Black-water Fever occur-
red and after 40 hours resulted
in death.
(21) American child. Aged
August or Sept.
.. Had also been in Darjeeling with
the boy, and had shown similar
symptoms of Black- water Fever
after taking quinine. She had
gone to America when 2½ years
old, returning to Assam when 5
years. Recovered.
Lakhimpur Dis-
trict (22).
Babu B. C., Na-
tive doctor. Aged
Nov. 1907 .. .. A native of Dacca, nearly 10 years
on garden where Black-water Fever
occurred. Had severe malaria in
1901 for some 6 months. Went on
short leave to country in 1905.
Had been taking quinine 10 grs.
once a fortnight for some time
before attack.
  Notes contributed by Dr. Falkiner, Assam.
(23) Mr. G.—Planter. Aged
March 1907 .. .. Had been many years in Assam,
and had been to Burma. Went
to England on leave in 1904 or
1905. Returned to Assam and
went to Burma again doing much
travelling and camping. Much run
down before attack, and looked
sallow and ill. Took grs. 10 of
quinine. Black-water Fever fol-
lowed and lasted 3 days. Great
epigastric pain. No spleen or
liver felt. Recovered.
  Notes contributed by Dr. Mc Combie, Assam.
Jorhat District,
Assam (24).
Mr. F.—Assistant.
Aged 23½.
October 1907 .. .. Had been 3 years in Assam, and
5½ months on garden where the
attack occurred. Previously
had been in Nowgong. Had had
occasional attacks of fever.