(1) Lebeau (12), Daulle(13), Le Roy de Mericourt (14), Pellarin (49), Barthelemy-Benoit,
Berenger-Feraud (44), Corre, Ronard.

(2) Cummings (17), Faget (8), Osborne (8), Ghent (8), Quoted by Deaderick.

(3) F. Plehn, Die Kamerun Kuste, also Deutch Med. Woch. no. 25, p. 397, no. 26,
p. 416, no. 27, p. 434, 1895.

(4) A. Plehn, Bertrage zur Kentniss von Verlauf und Behandlung der tropischen malaria
in Kamerun, 1896.

Also 1903. Aetiologie und Pathogenese des Schwarzwasserfieber. Virchow's Archiv.
Bd. 174.

And Arch. f. Schiffs u. Tropenhyg. Bd. 3 M. 4.

(5) Cardamatis, Theophanidis, Koryllos.

Quoted by Laveran, Traite du Paludisme, 1907.

(6) Tomaselli, La intossicazione chinica el infezione malaria. Catania, 1897.

(7) Koch, Ueber Schwarzwasserfieber. Zeit. f. Hygiene Bd. 42. H. 1.

(8) Shropshire and others, quoted by Deaderick (94).

(9) Stephens and Christophers. Reports to the Malaria Committee of the Royal Society.
Series I to VIII. Harrison and Sons, London.

(10) Panse, Schwarzwasserfieber. Zeit. f. Hygiene. Bd. 42. H. 1.

(11) Stephens, Thompson, Yates and Johnston Laboratories Reports, Vol. V, Part 1,

(12) Lebeau, These de Paris, 1851.

(13) Da-ull? These de Paris, 1857, p. 46.

(14) Le Roy de Mericourt, These de Paris, 1853.

(15) Varettas, Soc. Med. Grecque de Paris, Nov. 6, 1858. (Stated by Foustanos as the
first to observe hæoglobinuria in Greece. La Grece Med., April 1900.)

(16) Papabasilos, Asklepios, Athens, 1861.

(17) Cummings, New Orleans Med. News and Hosp. Gazette VI, 811, 1859. (Quoted
by Deaderick as first to describe Hæoglobinuric Fever in America.)

(18) Jacobs, Eringe Beschonwingen over Febris biliosa hæmaturica Genecsk. Tijdschr
v. Nederl. Indie.

Batav. 1881 N. S. X. 669—678.

(19) Schellong, Die malaria Krankheiten.

(20) Grawitz and Kohlstock, quoted by Ruge as the first German physicians to abandon
the use of quinine in Black-water Fever.