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Amended Annual Statement No. II. of the Lock-hospital at Bassein for the year 1875.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
NUMBER OF REGISTERED PROSTITUTES. Average number of prostitutes
 on the register in each month,
 and for the year.
Average number of prostitues
 attending the periodical exa-
Number reported to Cantonment
 Magistrate or other Civil
 authority for non-attendance.
Number of prostitutes found dis-
 eased at the periodical   examina-
 tion, and detained for treatment.
RECORDS OF DISEASES. Average number of prostitutes in
 hospital for each month in
 the year.
Diseases. Remained. Admitted. Total. Discharged. Died. Remaining. Total.
Number remaining on the register at   January 14 January 11 January 3 January 1 Gonorrhœa .. 4 4 2 .. 2 4 January 5 2/31
 the end of last year     14 February 14 February 11 February .. February 2 Ulcer of cervix 2 10 12 11 .. 1 12 February 4 3/28
Number added to the register during   March 14 March 10 March 3 March 3 Syphilis (primary) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. March 3 25/31
 the year 1875     6 April 14 April 10 April .. April .. Ditto (secondary) 3 5 8 7 .. 1 8 April 1 7/30
          May 11 May 10 May 1 May 4 Recto-vaginal .. .. .. .. .. .. .. May 3 2/31
    Total 20 June 10 June 10 June 1 June 1 Fistula .. 1 1 1 .. .. 1 June 3
Number who removed their names   July 11 July 11 July 2 July 3 Soft ulcer .. 7 7 6 .. 1 7 July 4
 from the register, died, or absconded   August 12 August 12 August 1 August 3                 August 4 16/31
 during the year 1875     8 September 14 September 12 September 2 September 5                  September. 5 19/30
Number remaining on 31st December   October 10 October 9 October 2 October ..                 October 4 29/31
 1874       12 November 10 November 9 November 1 November 3                 November 2 2/30
          December 12 December 10 December 1 December 2                 December 5 5/31
    Total 20 Average for
the year
12.2 Average for
the year
10.06 Total for
the year
17 Total for
the year
27   5 27 32 27 .. 5 32 Average for
the year