( 9 )

DISEASES. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875.
Gonorrhæa       317 164 100 149
Syphilis (primary)       262 283 249 317
Ditto (secondary)       3 4 ... 3
Bubo       ... ... 1 6
Condyloma       ... ... 2 2
      Total 582 451 352 477

I should mention here that numbers of women suffering from uterine catarrh were
detained under treatment, and are returned in this table as gonorrhæa. I myself do not
consider this disease contagious, but others do ; and as venereal was somewhat more preva-
lent amongst the men of the regiment in August last, I deemed it advisable to admit them;
they were never admitted in previous years. I have no means of comparing the nature of
venereal affections among the women, with their nature amongst the soldiers; this would
necessitate my attending the regimental hospital. There is not a very great amount of
syphilis amongst the prostitutes taken en masse, the greatest amount and the virulent form
is in those who carry on illicit prostitution, and who are a good deal frequented by the
European soldiery, and they are, I am afraid, to be found in all parts of the town. The
admissions during the year were a total of 477, viz., 149 gonorrhæa, 317 syphilis, three secon-
dary syphilis, six bubo, and two condyloma. The disease now prevailing among the women
admitted is of a less virulent type than it used to be.

    XI.—How far dhaies have been employed, and
with what success.

    None were employed.

The following table shows the number of cases of Syphilis treated at the General Hospital, as
compared with the previous four years.


Years. Primary
Gonorrhæa. Total
Increase. Decrease.
1871 ... ... 35 46 12 93 ... ...
1872 ... ... 28 43 9 80 ... 13
1873 ... ... 27 32 5 64 ... 16
1874 ... ... 40 49 9 98 24 ...
1875 ... ... 52 65 9 126 28  


Years. Primary
Gonorrhæa. Total
Increase. Decrease.
1871 ... ... 537 449 434 1,420 ... ...
1872 ... ... 298 296 306 900 ... 520
1873 ... ... 202 74 154 430 ... 470
1874 ... ... 223 84 224 531 101 ...
1875 ... ... 378 89 265 732 201 ...
Years.. Total treated. Total venereal
1878 ... ... ... ... 9,949 494 5.16
1874 ... ... ... ... 19,734 619 3.13
1875 ... ... ... ... 15,536 858 5.59

It will be seen that the number admitted in 1875 with venereal affections exceeds by 229 or
2.46 per cent. of the admissions of 1874.

  XII.—Any information on other matters or sugges-
tions for the improvement of the rules.

        I have nothing to add to what I have already
written in the body of the report.