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No. II.—Annual Statement of the Lock-hospital, Thayetmyo, for the year 1875.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Number of registered prostitutes. Average number of Prostitutes
on the register in each month
and for the year.
Average number of Prostitutes
attending the Periodical exa-
Number reported to Canton-
ment Magistrate, or other
Civil authorities for non-at-
Number of Prostitutes found
diseased at the Periodical exa-
minations, and detained for
RECORDS OF DISEASES. Average number of prostitutes
in hospital for each month
and the year.
Diseases. Remained. Admitted. Total. Discharged. Died. Remaining. Total.
Number remaining on the regis-
ter at the end of last year.
January 18 January 18 January .. January 5 Syphilis (primary) .. 25 25 24 .. 1 25 January 1.83
February 15 February 15 February .. February 5 Ditto secondary) .. 1 1 1 .. .. 1 February 1.78
Number added to the register dur-
ing the year 1875
March 16 March 16 March 1 March 5 Ulcer .. 6 6 5 .. 1 6 March 2.90
April 15 April 15 April .. April 6 Gonorrhœa 1 29 30 27 .. 3 30 April 5.06
May 18 May 18 May .. May 3 Recto-vaginal fis-
.. 1 1 1 .. .. 1 May 2.25
Total  29 June 19 June 19 June 6 June 6 Ulcer of Os .. 6 6 6 .. .. 6 June 3.46
July 24 July 24 July 3 July 10 Under observation. .. 1 1 1 .. .. 1 July 3.70
Number who removed their names
from the register, died, or ab-
sconded during the year 1875
11 August 19 August 19 August .. August 6                 August 4
September 19 September 19 September .. September 4                 September 4.96
October 19 October 19 October 6 October 5                 October 3.67
Number remaining on 31st De-
cember 1875
18 November 19 November 19 November 1 November 6                 November 4.83
December 18 December 18 December 6 December 9                 December 3.03
    Average for
the year
  Average for
the year
  Total for the
  Total for the
70 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Average for the year,  
Total   18.25 18.25 23